gold eyes i

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gold eyes i - clockwork heart

I smile at you
but the bitter sting of hemlock is behind every word I speak
and oh, how I wish I could simply
just smile at you
and let it be as warm and happy
as I can let it be;
but this wall of ice took far too long to erect
and I’ve neither the strength nor will
to break it down again.

I wish I could believe your insanely sweet words,
but your eyes are too hard to read
and I can’t tell if black is white or white is gold.
And I know it’s okay—it is, really—that you value the gold
above the lead
(because you should, anyway)
but I wonder if I’m worth ten coppers or simply one gold?
Oh, if only you ever spared even one glance for silver
I’ve a whole chest of it, right in the back of my closet.

It’s far too easy to fall into the depths of your smile
(when you do smile)
and it was far too easy to fall back down to earth,
through flame and shadow but most of all ice,
when you looked at me so emptily.
I won’t say you’re heartless because
I am the one with the clockwork in my chest,
and I’ve misplaced the key and I still don’t know where it is;
so really, I don’t blame you at all.

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