gold eyes ix

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gold eyes ix

I can't seem to stop bleeding.

There's a wound somewhere on my body,
a tear somewhere in the fabric of my soul;
but I can't find it. I can feel the life-blood slipping away,
slowly and slowly
under your burning gaze,
but I can't find it and I can't stop it.

Lies, lies, lies -
so many lies that I've told myself
        too many
and now I can't see the thin line separating reality from dreams
and truth from my own L I E S.
The grey has spread and even the skies are grey,
though the sun shines almost as brightly as you.

You draw me in and throw me out
again and again and again and again;
and I know it is my own hand holding the fishing rod,
and I could reel you out if I wanted to
but my hand doesn't belong to me,
neither of my hands do, anymore,
and I've lost the use of my fingers and
I can't hear the music anymore.

All I hear is the sound of your gold eyes smiling at me,
the black and white blurring into grey,
nightmares and dreams falling into reality...

Time is bleeding away
        I am bleeding away

I cannot seem to stop the bleeding.

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