chapter four

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hey guys it's me kaylin! sorry i haven't updated, I left my ipad at my friends house who lives a hour and a half away, and i write on my ipad because i have a android phone, so it sucks writing on there, but i decided to write on the computer, so yeah here ya go!!

cheyenne's p.o.v
"you having fun?" i chuckled asking carl, as we painted the walls of my room with different colors.
"yea." he chuckled, i watched as he took the turquoise blue container and flung it over the white walls, making turquoise paint splatters. instead of painting the walls solid colors, we decided to get small paint containers of different fun colors and since the walls in my bedroom were white we wanted to just splatter fun colors over the white walls. so we put stuff on the carpet so we would get paint on the carpet.
"we should do something fun tonight." i suggest as i threw bright green paint everywhere. "what do you wanna do?" he asked.
"let's go to a party tonight, a fun hardcore one." i suggested.
"alright sure." he smiled.
"i'm pretty sure someone from school is throwing one tonight, you can just show up." he added. "okay, let's go later." i said.
"okay, but first we gotta finish this room." he laughed. "yea, true." i chuckled.
it took us about three hours to finish my walls just throw paint on the walls, and the outcome looked pretty good in my opinion.
"so what time is this party?" I asked looking at my phone to see it was only four o'clock.
"i'm pretty sure it starts at eight." he answered.
"wanna go get some lunch?" he asked.
"yeah sure." i said picking up my phone.

"so what are we gonna do tonight?" carl asked me as we entered some chicago burger joint. "mhm, you just assume i want to hang out with you?" i challenged him, taking a seat at a booth. "well, why wouldn't you?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows together, confused.
"well, maybe i have other plans." i told him, while i glanced at the menu.
"you're new, who would you have plans with besides debbie or i?" he chuckled.
"well my cousins mickey, or mandy." i responded. "or the cute boy who lives up the street from me, that i met." i teased and lightly smirked. carl's jaw clenched and his face turned a bit red, jealous. carl was jealous. he needs to chill with this shit, i mean yea i find it cute but i met him only like two days ago.
"and whose the boy?" he asaked looking down blankly staring at the menu.
"i don't remember, his name is like carl or something like that." i answered, a chuckled escaped from my mouth. he looked up and shook his head, "you're so mean and stupid." he joked giving me the finger. 
"what you can't take a joke?" i chuckled asking him.
"guess not, now tell me more about this 'cute boy'." carl suggested, air quoting the phrase, cute boy.
"well he lives across the street from me, i just met him like two days ago. he's pretty interesting, he just got out of juvie like me, uh he's pretty fun to hang out with." i shrugged, explaining himself to carl. "oh and he's really hot,  like 'fuck me' kind of hot." i added, and a huge smirk quickly appeared on his face.
"oh trust me darling, i'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk the whole next week, eventually." he smirked.
"i'll be waiting gallagher." i smirked back.
"you won't be waiting very long." he smirked.
"mhm, sure." i chuckled as the waitress came over and took our order, i got a cheeseburger with lettuce, pickles, and mayo, a side of fries, and sprite to drink. carl ordered a double cheeseburger with bacon, cheese and mayo, a side of fries and dr. pepper to drink.

"so i thought, we were going to that party tonight?" i questioned him.
"oh yeah, shit i forgot." he chuckled. "you still want to go?" he questioned me.
"yeah." i simply answered.
"then it's a date." he smiled.
"oh so it's a date now?" i laughed.
"yep." he smiled once again.
"what if i don't want to go on a date with you?" i asked narrowing my eyes.
"well you just told me you practilly wanted me to fuck you, so i'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind going on a date with me to a party." he chuckled.
"hey that's not a bad thing, maybe i just want you to fuck me and then leave each other alone." i told him.
"right, because that make sense." carl jokingly rolled his eyes.
"maybe i'm just a hoe, all girls are." i told him smirking.


i looked in the mirror satisfied with myself and my outfit, i had on a long gray tight, cloth like, dress that stopped at my calves, black laced up heels, and i curled my hair, did my makeup and slapped on some burgundy lipstick. i grabbed my phone off my charger, disconnecting my phone and turning the music off. i peeked at the time, carl should be here any minute. i took a couple of selfies and posted a nice mirror selfie on Instagram, tonight should be fun;) , i captioned it and posted it. as if on que, my sister walked into my room telling me carl was downstairs, i nodded and walked downstairs, carl was sitting downstairs talking to my brother, "you ready?" i asked walking up beind him.
"yeah, i-" he started to say but turned his around to look at me and shut up.
"are you okay?" i chuckled.
"yeah, you just look really cute." he said to me, making me laugh at the way he used his words. "come on gallagher, lets go." i playfully rolled my eyes, and we walked out of my house, not even a second after we got into the car did he make a comment.
"you look really fucking hot chey." he leaned over whispering in my ear.
"you do too gallagher." i smirked at him observing him. he was simply just wearing a black v neck and khaki jeans along with black Jordans, simply but hot.
"just wait til i rip it off of you." he smirked at me.
"in your dreams." i joked.
"so whose car is this?" i asked furrowing my eyebrows, now confused.
"i don't really know, i kind of stole it." he chuckled.
"oh carl, you'll be back to juvie in no time." i chuckled before we drove off to the party.

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