chapter eight

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i'm back(:!
chey's p.o.v
the parking lot of the gas station laid empty besides the beaten up old toyota, owned by the worker. we walked into the gas station as the guy sat on his ass behind the counter on his phone. "give us all the fucking money!" carl shouted at him as i pointed the gun at him. "yeah right, i'm just gonna give the money to some 12 year olds." he laughed. "we're actually 16 buddy, now give us the fucking money!" carl shouted. "the gun probably isn't real." he laughed. "yeah?" i asked and he nodded. i pointed the glock at the camera and pulled the trigger hitting and breaking the camera. his big blue eyes grew wide and he began scrambling to get the money out of the cash register. carl threw the sack at him as the he started throwing all the money in there, the glock still sat in my hand, pointed at him. once he emptied the cash register and all the money was in the sack, he handed it over to carl. "don't say a fucking word to anyone, you got that?" i demanded then asked him, still pointing the gun at him. "i won't, i won't." he related, fear taking over him, you could see it in his eyes. "don't say a fucking word!" i shouted backing up, and then carl and i took off running back to his house.

we ran up the porch steps and into his house and began acting normal, walking normal at a steady pace. him and i walked up the stairs to his room and he shut and locked it. "that was amazing baby." he smirked. i set the stack of cash down on his bedroom flor and walked over to his bed, straddling him. "even though i did most of the work." i smirked at him. "but you looked hot doing it." he smirked back at me. "i bet i did, gallagher." i said inching my face closer to his, our lips centimeters apart. i could feel him getting hard underneath me, as i sat on his dick. "are you gonna kiss me or what?" he simply asked me, his eyes leaving me lips making eye contact with mine. "no." i smiled at him. "fine." he smirked back at me before crashing his lips onto mine. i pushed him down on the bed, our lips not parting. his hands traveled down my spine, finding my ass, groping it. i broke the kiss and began leaving little kisses on his jawline. my lips pressed against his jawline all the way down his jawline. his eyes were clenched shut, and he started squeezing my ass harder, getting turned on more and more by the second. my lips found their way to his neck, he tilted his head up, giving me more room to kiss his neck, i found his sweet spot knowing where it was at and began biting and sucking, hard. moans because leaving his mouth, he was clearly liking it and he was definitely going to have a hickey. "fuck chey." he said in between moans. after sucking and biting on his sweet spot for a good two minutes, my lips parted from his neck, leaving a red spot. it wasn't quite a hickey yet because they obviously don't show that fast. i pulled carl's shirt off for him, leaving him shirtless. i made contact with his muscular stomach and my lips, leaving small kisses all over his stomach, like i once did on his jawline. i moved further down his stomach, stopping right above the home of his shorts, i pulled his jeans down, slightly a bit, not a lot, me enough to show his v line, i began planting little kisses on his v line once again to the him of his jeans. i looked up at him, his eyes were tightly closed shut and he was nodding his head, knowing i was looking up at him for approval even though i obviously knew what he was thinking.

"okay i gotta go gallagher." i smirked getting off of him and standing onto the floor. his eyes shot open, "what? no. are you kidding me?" he quickly asked standing up. "where are you going, what's so important?" he asked, making me chuckle a little bit. "home." i smiled throwing my book at over my back. i bent down and grabbed twenty bucks from the sack of money. "you're such a tease, cheyenne!" he grunted annoyed. "you know what, two can play that game." he smirked. "okay carl." i chuckled rolling my eyes. "i gotta go." i smiled, pecking his lips then i picked up the glock and stuck it im the waistband of my jeans. "see you later, babe." i smirked. "bye cheyenne." he rolled his eye annoyed, i smiled in response. i walked down the the steps, once i reached the first floor, i heard ian talking on his phone. "what? the hast stations been robbed?" he questioned, panic filling his voice. fuck fuck fuck. i ran upstairs quickly to carls room, i opened the door quickly, his eyes darted towards me. "hide the money, now." i demanded, worried. we can't let ian find out. he immediately got up from his bed and grabbed the sack, i shut the door and walked back downstairs, waving at ian as he continued talking on the phone.

once i left carls house, i walked down the street heading to mickeys house. i approached the house, walked up the steps and walked in the house not bothering to knock, random girls sat on the living room couch watching tv. there was a older lady, older than mickey but not too old, was in the kitchen feeding a screaming baby. smoke was everywhere in the house because they smoke inside the house. i walked down the hallway, to mickeys room and knocked. "oh for fuck sakes!" he yelled, his stupid accent lacing through his voice. the door knob twisted and revealed mickey, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. "what do you fucking- oh hey chey." he stopped mid sentence after seeing me. "hi mickey." i simply replied. my phone vibrated in my back pocket, i pulled it out, reading the message, i wanted to cry, i texted back saying i'd be there quickly in a few. "uh, here." i said pulling the glock out of my waistband and handed it to him. "thanks mickey, i have to go, love you." i spoke all at once and ran out the house, to where i needed to go, this is going to be bad, no doubt about it, small tears began pouring out my eyes as i continued running, fuck.

toxic//carl gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now