chapter eleven

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cheyenne's p.o.v
i woke up remembering carl had come over late last night to sleep, feeling the bed empty. he must've left because he was no longer in bed with me, and i couldn't imagine why he would be chilling downstairs., seeing it was 10:42 in the morning. i also had a couple text messages, two from logan, one from camilla, and one from carl. i clicked on the text message from camilla, and read it, excitement ran through my body. 'mom woke up finally!! come up as soon as soon as you wake up to see her!' it read. it made me so happy, my mom was finally awake and alive. 'fuck yes, i'm so happy! i'm getting ready, i'll be up soon.' i texted back. i click on the text message from carl, 'we haven't talked in a few and i really miss you, can we talk soon?' it read. 'im busy today, sorry." i simply replied. i clicked on the two text messages from logan, last night him and i had texted all night, i really enjoyed talking to him, but if he knew my past and things i've done i don't think he'd still want to be my friend. one was an unopened message last night, 'im guessing you fell asleep, goodnight😊' one read and one was from this morning at 9:30, about a hour ago, 'good morning cutie, hope you slept good😛' it read. "hey! sorry, yeah i feel asleep last night, and yes i slept pretty good, how'd you sleep? also i just found out my mom finally woke up so i'll be up soon, hope to see you later☺️' i texted back.

i pulled myself out of bed and walked downstairs to see connor sitting on the living room couch watching tv and cole was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. "mom woke up, start getting ready soon. we're all gonna go to the hospital, and we can take cole but he can't see mom yet so when i go in one of us can stay out in the waiting room and we can switch off." I explained. "okay, when did mom wake up?" he asked. "some time in the middle of the night." i answered. "i'm gonna go get ready and call mickey." i told him and walked back upstairs to my room.

i scanned my dresser trying to find something to wear. i opted for something comfy and decided on black leggings and an oversized tee shirt. before I changed I grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from carl.'t

carl: when can we talk?

me: here soon, my mom woke up and i need a ride to the hospital

carl: lmk when you're ready

me: ok thanks

i took my pajamas off and changed into my outfit for the day. i walked over to my desk and mirror, i brushed my hair out and threw it in a busy bun, pulling pieces of my hair off to the side. i grabbed a dainty gold 'c' necklace and walked over to my closet, and slipped my basic white airforces on. i decided not to put makeup on so i could leave as soon as possible. i walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth real quick, once i was done i ran downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water, then texted carl. 

me: I'm ready

carl: ok just walk over here

i said bye to connor and started walking over to carls. he was already outside waiting for me, we made eye contact and he stepped off the porch and walked over to the car park in front of the house. i hopped into the car with him, i didn't put the effort in to ask who's car this was or where he got it. 

"thanks", i murmured to him. 

he just gave a slight grin and began focusing on the road. i don't know what his problem is. i mean i know we haven't talked much recently but this morning he sounded like he wanted to talk about something. i couldn't decide if i wanted to try and get him to talk to me right now, or if i just wanted to sit in the uncomfortable silence until we got to the hospital. before i could decide, i was snapped put of my thoughts when he let out a sigh. 

"who's logan?" he asked, ribbing the steering wheel and clenching his jaw. i could tell he was jealous, it was cute, although he probably wouldn't admit to feeling jealous.

"how do you know about him?" i questioned, i hadn't told him about logan, i didn't really feel a need to. 

"why does it matter?" he pursed his lips.

"why does it bother you?" i challenged.

"it doesn't."

"it clearly does, but if it doesn't, then i guess it doesn't matter." i leaned back into my seat.

"you guys seemed pretty close in your text messages."

"you read through my phone?" i questioned pissed off. we aren't dating, were just friends, he doesn't need to be looking through my phone. 

"he texted you this morning, i just thought we had something going on."

"well you thought wrong." i gazed at him, i saw him take another tight grip on the steering wheel, as we pulled into the hospital. 

"then why are you always wanting to fuck me? you gotta be feeling something if you keep coming back to me." he said kinda raising his voice. it pissed me off. that was such a shtty thing for him to say, thinking I'm the only one wanting him. he wants me just as much, but what he said pissed me off. i mean yeah logans kind of attractive, he doesn't compare to carl, but i like his personality. he's different and maybe that what i need. 

"you know what, fuck you and your stupid fucking ego." i yelled back, grabbing my stuff to get out of the car. 

"fuck you too! you walk around here like you own this fucking place. your head is so far up your fucking ass." he yelled, looking me sternly into my eyes before driving away.

i turned around walking into the hospital to see my mom. i couldn't understand how i was feeling, i was excited to my mom but carl pissed me off. i don't know why he's so jealous, he should know they we would never work out beyond fuck buddies. I'm not his, he doesn't have any sort of control over me, but if he was to get pissed off for no reason, then I'll let him. maybe i needed to talk to logan more. he seemed like a genuinely nice guy, he was so much more different than me and carl, but i liked it. he seemed really nice, and maybe that's what i need in my life, stability. fuck carl and his stupid little feelings.

toxic//carl gallagherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz