chapter six

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my eyes slowly opened, a bright blue wall was all i saw. flashbacks of last night played through my head. i remember consuming lots of cocaine through my nose, lots of it was in my system. i remember ditching the party when the cops came, and carl and i ran away. those things didn't scare me, in fact it gave me a adrenaline rush, making me feel more like home, things i did in my past before juvie. i turned around, switching sides, now on my right side, and carl was still sleeping, i was now facing him, his eyes were closed, but his mouth was slightly open. i continued staring at him looking at all of his perfect features, his nose being my favorite. the little dip on his nose, it's really cute.

"when are you gonna quit staring at me?" he asked without opening his eyes, but his mouth curved into a small smile.
"what makes you think i was staring at you?" i asked quietly. his eyes fluttered open.
"i've been awake for about twenty minutes now, i closed my eyes when you moved, and i know you were staring at me because you don't have your phone to be on." he chuckled.
"okay so what if i was staring? is it a problem?" i questioned him.
"not at all babygirl, stare all you want." he smirked, i just rolled my eyes in response.
"can you hand me my phone please?" i asked him.
"what you're tired of staring at my face?" he asked me.
"hand me my fucking phone gallagher." i rolled my eyes at him.
"fine, fine." he rolled his eyes back and handed me my phone off the night stand.

"what are we gonna do today?" carl asked breaking the silent as i checked all my social media. "why do you always think i want to hangout with you." i chuckled, always giving him a hard time.
"because you think i'm hot and you wanna fuck." he smirked.
"you're a cocky one, aren't you?" i chuckled bringing my phone back up to my face.
"i guess you could say that." he chuckled back.
"but seriously what are we gonna do today?" he asked.
"i'm gonna have a lazy day and chill out here at my house all day." i shrugged.
"can i join?" he asked.
"well you're already here, so i wouldn't mind, i guess." i told him. he just smiled in return.
"i can't be hanging out with you everyday carl, i have to start studying for that test." i told him. "so do i, we should study together sometime." he smirked.
i rolled my eyes, "we both know there wouldn't be much studying carl." i chuckled.
"true." he laughed. i locked my phone and set it next to me on the bed, and faced carl. we just continued staring at each other, admiring the beauty of each other. carl leaned in and planted his lips back onto mine, i lifted up not breaking the kiss, and straddled carl, not once breaking the kiss. i sat on his crotch area and leaned down kissing him and he still laid on my bed, slightly sitting up, my heads played with his hair, like they always did, and his hands roamed my body stopping at my exposed ass squeezing it, with his fairly large hands, making me gasp, he took advantage of it, entering his tongue into my mouth, our tongues sliding past each other. his hands started to roam my body once again, as mine  played with his slightly curly hair, his hands traveled up and his cold finger tips went underneath my shirt stopping at my stomach, his hands slid down my stomach once more, stopping at the bottom of the over size tee shirt i was wearing, he played with bottom of the shirt and slowly started to pull it up, making me disconnect our lips.
"i'm sorry, did i do something wrong?" he asked me, looking up at me crooking his head sideways.
"look, like i said you're hot and all and yeah, like fuck me hot but i don't mean this soon." i lightly smiled. "i like you a lot so far, but i met you three days ago, and i don't want us to hookup already." i smiled at the end of saying that.
"oh, uh right. yea, sorry chey." he stuttered and then slightly smiled.
"it's fine, are you hungry?" i asked getting up off of him and onto the bedroom floor.
"yeah, i could eat." he shrugged sitting up.
"then lets go get something to eat downstairs, get dressed." i said pointing to him, wearing only his boxers. i grabbed a pair of black spandex shorts and put them on under the tee shirt, and carl put on his clothes from last night and we walked downstairs to find something to eat for breakfast.

i opened the door to the pantry, and looked at what there was to eat for breakfast, there wasn't very much considering we haven't really gone grocery shopping yet. i shut the door and opened the fridge, scanning the small amount of breakfast items, finally seeing a can of cinnamon rolls. "you like cinnamon rolls?"  i asked him.
"i like anything." he smiled taking a seat at the island in the kitchen. i smiled in response and turned the oven on to 350 degrees to preheat and i opened the cinnamon rolls and put them all on a pan, and then took a seat next to carl at the island while waiting for the oven to finish pre heating. as we were sitting at the island, on our phones, waiting, my sister walked downstairs. "hey chey, oh and carl." she greeted walking into the kitchen.
"hi camila." i said not looking up from my phone. carl just repeated the same thing i said.
"so did he stay the night?" camila asked sticking the pan of cinnamon rolls into the oven once it was done preheating.
"yeah." i answered sitting my phone down onto the island.
"what time did you guys get home last night?" she asked.
"about three?" i answered questionably.
"what'd you do?" camila asked us.
"vodka and cocaine." i shrugged.
"what about you?" camila looking at carl, he looked surprised that i was admitting this stuff to my sister.
"just had a couple bud lights, i was the driver last night, was trying to get us home safe." carl explained.
"yeah chey and i are pretty close, i'm not gonna tell, you're good." she chuckled.
"it wouldn't matter if you did or not." carl shrugged, making us laugh.


i'm not going to write the rest of their day because they're having a lazy day. they're literally both gonna take showers and change into sweats and sit in sweats and watch Netflix movies all day in chey's bedroom, soooo that's what happened, there isn't a point in writing it but yeahhhh - kaylin (:

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