chapter ten

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2 weeks later
cheyenne's p.o.v
its been two weeks since the accident and my mom is still in a coma. i've been here at the hospital everyday since the accident and so has camilla. connor has been up as much he could, every other day. when camilla and i come to the hospital, connor stays home and watches cole. i sat in my moms hospital room, laying out on the couch as my mom laid on the bed, lifeless almost. camilla and i take turns staying at the hospital just incase mom would wake up in the night, but of course she hasn't. carl and i loss a lot of communication, like i said ever since the accident, everyday i have been at the hospital. carl wanted to hangout with me and every time he would ask i would say no because my plans included staying at the hospital. we still talk, it's just different, awkward i would say.

it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, the cafeteria opened back up at four for dinner. i decided i needed to eat something, considering i haven't eaten all day. "mom i'll be back, i'm gonna go down to the cafeteria." i stopped. "i love you." i smiled, i knew she could hear me. i pulled myself back up off the couch and walked out the door, lightly closing the door and made my way down to the cafeteria.

my eyes wondered around the cafeteria, scanning everything, trying to decide what i wanted to eat. i wasn't paying attention and ended up running into someone. thier body made contact with mine. my eyes darted towards the person in front of me. a boy about half a foot taller than me, stood infront of me, looking down. he had a perfect jawline and nice features, he was slim but with a bit of muscle, he's definitely attractive. "oh, uh sorry." i apologized. "you're fine." he said cracking a smile. "i wasn't really paying attention." i shrugged, kind of embarrassed that i bumped into him. "i can see that." he chuckled. "want to eat down here at the cafeteria with me?" he asked. "it beats going back up to the room for a few." he smiled. "but if you don't want too, it's fine." he added. "i'd love too, now what should i get?" i asked. "well, i've been here for the last month and a half now so i've had about everything here, i suggest the chicken tenders." he smiled. "then, chicken tenders it is." i smiled back as he walked over to the grill with me.

"so i haven't got your name yet, i'm logan by the way." he told me and bit into his burger. "cheyenne." i smiled. "so why are you here at the hospital?" i asked. "my dad had a huge heart attack, he's still recovering from it. since its summer i have a lot of time on my hands, you know, so i've been up here everyday. also it's just me and my dad together so he's really all the family i have here." he explained. "why are you here?" he then asked. "my mom was in a terrible car accident two weeks ago, and she's still in a coma, and kinda like you, i've been up here everyday and stayed the night here every other night." i told him. "damn, that sucks." he said, i liked how he didn't pity me or say he was sorry or anything like everyone else has. "yeah, let's change the subject." i shrugged. "okay uh, so did you just move here to chicago or do you go to a different school or what?" he asked. "i moved here in the beginning of the summer, i start going to the school closest to here, not really sure which one." i shrugged. "well where do you live?" he asked. "on homan avenue." i simply answered, okay cool yeah we will go to the same school. so what grade will you be going into?" he asked me. "i'll be a sophomore." i answered. "okay, cool me too hopefully we have some classes together." he stated. "hopefully, you're one of the only friends i've made so far." i chuckled. "so then do you have a boyfriend?" he asked me smiling. i furrowed my eyebrows and chuckled, "i don't know, it's complicated with him." i responded. "did you meet him when you moved here?" he asked. "yeah, maybe you know him. carl gallagher." i told him. "oh, yeah i know carl." he simply said.
it was nice talking to logan, i had been sitting down at the cafeteria with him for over an hour until he both decided to go back up to our parents room, but we exchanged numbers. my mom still hadn't woken up, and it was time for me to go home because it was camillas turn to stay the night. i had already said my goodbyes to my mom and was making my way downstairs to mickeys car. i had told him what happened when we found out and him and mandy said they'd be there for all of, whatever we needed, money or whatever else, so mickey had been driving to the hospital every night for camilla and i picking us up or dropping us off. "what's up mickey." i greeted, hopping into the passenger seat. "nothing much." he shrugged and began driving home.

toxic//carl gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now