Chapter Sixteen

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The dining hall was empty besides a few younger tempests, and Meyer ate a quiet lunch among a table of Nahds. As the younger tempests talked about color charms and Bolo, a semi-magical marble game, Meyer reflected on his first class of magical instruction. He was awed by his own ability, and intrigued by the seemingly inexhaustible breadth of possibility, but he also felt particularly out of place and vulnerable. The world was so much bigger and more complicated than he had ever imagined, and learning magic only increased that feeling. He belonged in Vanroc, and every step farther into his new reality made that more clear. He needed to find a way home, an escape from the isolating unfamiliarity. Five months was too long to wait.

Meyer brought his half empty plate to the dish return and started for the dining hall exit. Around him, Nahd tempests were also clearing their dishes and flocking towards the door in small groups. Meyer followed them outside, but when the Nahds turned right towards the Rhune Sanctuary where they were scheduled for a class wide practice session, Meyer went left. Jebb had told him that he would participate in the Ajah practice sessions with his own peers, and Meyer had no intention of doubling his magical training.

Still, as he wandered the empty paths of Eldrin's Dale, abstractly fixated on the beige walled buildings and sun bathed gardens, he wondered if there was a specific place he was supposed to be. He would have just as well spent the afternoon roaming the Dale, but establishing a rule abiding reputation might serve him well later. Ahead, the High Manor rose majestic and gleaming, so with a wistful sigh Meyer started towards the proud building. Jebb would no doubt be able to inform him of his schedule.

Meyer stopped at the top of the hill in front of the entrance. To the left of the door was a guard wearing tall black boots and bronze armor. His breastplate glinted in the sunlight, and on his hip rested the hilt of his sheathed blade.

"Can I help you, young sir?" said the guard.

"I'm looking for Planar Jebb," said Meyer.

"Third floor, east corridor."

Meyer hesitated. "How do I get there?"

"There is a staircase on your right when you enter. Follow it to the third floor. Planar Jebb's office is the last door on the right."

"Thank you," said Meyer.

"Of course, young sir," said the guard, holding the door.

Meyer marveled at the guard's formal etiquette as he stepped inside, but nearly at at once his thoughts refocused on the entrance hall, which was much more lavish than he remembered. A large mural of a two headed lion covered the wall in front of him, and the domed ceiling was painted with intricate gray stars. There were two large staircases on each side of the room, and it was only as Meyer started up the right hand staircase that he noticed the small door from which he and Damian had entered that morning.

Meyer was halfway down the third floor corridor (which looked identical to the one on which he had lived for the previous week) when the last door on the right opened, and a familiar figure emerged. Adryn. She closed the door behind her, and started down the hallway.

"Meyer," she said. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for Planar Jebb."

"Ah, yes, his office is just behind me," said Adryn. "I must be going now, but Jebb should be back in a few minutes. I'm sure he will be able to help you."

"Thanks," said Meyer, but already Adryn had strode by him. Meyer walked to Jebb's door, and rested his hand on the doorknob. It was locked, and he leaned against the adjoining wall to await the Planar's return.

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