Let the games begin.

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"Truth or dare" Chris narrowed his eyes looking straight into Ted's with an evil half grin on his face.
"Dare!" Ted glared back.
"I dare you to lick the inside of the tires!" Chris let go of his evil expression and onto a more child like one.
"Aw gross! No way man!" Ted stuck out his tongue in disguise.
Chris laughed "are you refusing a dare?!"
"Hell yeah! I'd rather kiss you then lick those tires!" Ted yelled.
"Y-you'd what?" Chris face expression went to shock.
"I -uh" Ted blushed and looked down at realising what he just said.
"I GOT THE TICKETS!" Adien yelled coming into the alley scaring both Chris and Ted.
They looked over at him Ted stood up and went over to Adien and grabbed the tickets "Nice job, brat." He looked at the tickets.
Chris sat back leaning against the tires "what times the party" he pet the cat. Talking about the party would make both of them forget what just happened.
"Midnight" Ted looked up at him. "Adien if we gotta sneak you in then you gotta get some rest I don't plan on leaving if you get tired."
"I won't fall asleep at the party, freak!" Adien yelled, then looking down.
"Just to be sure why don't we all get some rest." Chris suggest.
Ted and Adien nodded as Chris stood up and went to his bed so did the both of them.
~time skip:11:55 pm~
Ted and Chris are standing in line for the party. Chris was smiling wide as Ted tried to act cool.
"How much longer?" Chris put his hand on Ted's forearm looking forward to all the people in front of them.
"Not to much, don't worry the part goes all night. And the band plays at 5. We aren't gonna miss anything."
Chris sighed "you better be right."
While in line Chris and Ted heard some whispers from guys and girls in the line. "Who's that green haired boy?" One girl asked
"I don't know but he's cute, and is that his girlfriend?" The other replied.
"Yo cheek out the hot blond" some guys were talking about Chris as were some girls.
Chris looked down and blushed, scratching his arm. Ted looked back at Chris and glared a little at the people behind him. He put his hands on Chris's and had him go in front of him. If there was one thing Ted was sure about it was he was gonna be watching Chris.

Don't threaten me with a good time (ChrisxTed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang