All Work and No Play

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Ted sat at the counter gloom almost radiating off him. Now that neither of them had to be in the bear suit Ted watched Chris all day. As Chris walked around serving drinks. Ted loved watching Chris with his big goofy smile, his shaggy blonde and black hair getting in the way of his big eyes. But this just made Ted long for Chris. It was weird this sudden feeling of hunger for his best friend now boyfriend? He didn't know it was complicated, but at work he couldn't barely touch Chris.
    Whenever Chris got the chance though he'd tease Ted in every way possible. Intentional or not it killed him. When he'd flash a big smile at Ted, "accidentally" drop things to bend over and pick them up. Ted thought that move only worked with girls. But apparently Chris knew it too and it some how worked, or when he'd get to friendly with customers. That made Ted want to take Chris where he stood.
    It wasn't an every day event but too many for Ted to handle. Ted broke out of his thoughts when he heard glass hit the ground. Another clumsy customer had probably knocked over their glass by talking with their hands a bit too much. Chris stood a strawberry smoothie on his shirt, glass at his feet, and a very apologetic girl in front of him.
   Chris got some of the smoothie off his shirt with his finger and put it in his mouth.  "Mmmm, strawberry, one of my favorites!" Chris smiled. The girl smiled back, then it look like sudden realization hit his face. She grabbed a bunch of napkins and helped Chris clean his shirt.
    "I'm sorry if I ruined your shirt it must be all sticky" she said looking down.
    "Yeah, but it's fine I have a spare." Chris assured her and started to talk off his shirt.
    That's when Ted stood up and walked over grabbing Chris by his elbow before he could fully get his shirt off.
    "Wha-" Chris started and was pulled by Ted to the back of the store leaving the girl in shock. 
    Ted pulled Chris's shirt back to show his face but still had his hands suck in his shirt behind his shirt. Ted kissed Chris roughly. Chris twisted his body to try and get his hands out. Ted stuck his tongue in Chris's mouth and continued to him aggressively. It disgusted Chris.
    Chris freed his hands and pushed Ted off. Ted took a step back to stable him self so he didn't fall. 
    "What the hell was that?!" Chris yelled "I get you're the jealous type but do you not trust me at all?!"
    "It's not you it's, 'little miss strawberry' out there! Plus stripping in the middle of the store doesn't exactly say 'I'm not interested'" Ted yelled back.
     "You're over-thinking it!"
    "You're not thinking at all!"
    "You can't just pull me away and brutally make out with me every time you feel threatened by someone else!"
    "Then quit flirting with almost every other person to make me jealous or to sell another smoothie!"
    Chris lowered his shoulders and his face went to emotionless. Ted stayed in a defensive position taking a deep breath and breathing out his nose quickly.
      "Is that what you think I do? Flirt to sell more? I'm not some fcking smoothie prostitute!" Chris yelled.
He lowered his voice, "I'm not even your damn boyfriend" and stormed out.
     Leaving Ted there alone.

Don't threaten me with a good time (ChrisxTed)Where stories live. Discover now