Chapter 6

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Waking up, I look at the time on the cable box and see that it is early in the morning. I look down and see Lauren's body practically on top of me. She is still sleeping, letting out little puffs of air that kept tickling the side of my neck. I adjust myself to get more comfortable, making Lauren clutch my shirt until she relaxes when I'm done. She looks so adorable, like a little baby.

"My baby." I smile down at her and kiss her forehead. Not long after I hear her parents moving around in the kitchen.

"Lauren," I shook her gently, "wake up babe."

"Why, it's too early," she whines.

"I have to go back home before your parents see me here."

"No, not yet." She tightens her arms and legs around me.

I let out a breathy chuckle. "Your mom is going to come up any second now."

Not even a minute later, I hear her mom coming up the stairs. "Lauren, wake up, breakfast is ready!" Clara yelled behind the door.

Lauren groans, but loosens her hold on me. "Fine, but we're going out later."

"Where?" I ask.

"The girls invited me out with them and I want you to come so that they could meet you...well the new you."

"Okay, so what time should I come over?"

"At around 7, we're going to hang around the park. There's supposed to be some kind of concert there or something."

"Cool. Don't miss me too much." I smirk and wink at her while getting.

"I should be the one telling you that."

"True." I lean over and kiss her. Lauren deepens it and straddles me.

"Lauren!" Clara yells from downstairs.

I nearly flip my shit and almost drop Lauren on the floor.

"Okay it's time for me to go before she comes in here." I get up and walk towards the window to jump through.

"Wait." Lauren gets up and gives me a peck.

"Okay you could go now." She gives a cute little smile.

I blush and give her a big ass smile, then leap through the window, into my room. I turn around and wave at Lauren. She smiles and wave before walking out of her room.

I go to my bathroom and prepare myself for the day, and dress myself in jogger shorts, a loose sleeveless shirt, and vans. Walking downstairs, I see Thomas in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Sup, you and Lauren did the nasty?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me, while putting eggs on a plate.

"No, we just got together, perv."

He hands me a plate with eggs, bacon, and sausage.

"Thanks," I tell him, and turn to eat on the island.

Thomas nods then makes himself a plate, and sits next to me.

"So today, we're going to have you practice your powers to get the hang of it and control it," he tells me.

"Here?" I ask him.

"No, there's an old junkyard not that far away. It's abandoned so no one would see us and we could cause as much damage as we want."

"Cool, but first, call Liyah and ask her out on a date tonight at 7."


"I'm going out with Lauren and her friends, so you're going to be free for the rest of the day. Why not finally ask Liyah out then?"

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