Chapter 2

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"Tonight ?!" I almost yelled. "Are you crazy?! I won't be ready!"

"Relax love, I'll help ya" he said, laughing. "We've got a huge 2 hours to get you ready. We'll be alright. Don't worry, I already told your family. They're fine with us leaving!"

Of course they are, they totally adore Harry. I don't think it's possible for anyone to love someone as much as my mum loves Harry. He's so cheesy with her. At first, I was almost jealous. Sometimes, he calls home and even if I'm not there, he just comes by and talks to my mum until I get back. I have to admit it's quite adorable.

"Okay then I better get ready. Let's go!"

45 minutes later

I've been packing my stuff for almost an hour and Harry already gave up. He said he was hungry like half an hour ago and never came back. He's so silly.

"Harry!" I screamed. "You promised you'd help!" I said, walking to the kitchen.

"Sorry love I was hungry! I'll be back soon" he replied.

"Hungry, really?" I said, noticing he was sitting right in front of the TV. "Family Guy is such a good snack" he turned around, smiling.

"I'm sorry love. I just couldn't resist" he said, standing up. "I'll help you now"

"It's fine" I said, kissing him softly. "I'm almost done anyway."

"I'll start packing the car then! I really can't wait to go on this amazing trip with you my beautiful girlfriend" he said, holding me in his arms.

"Me neither" I said, kissing his cheek.


Packing the car felt good. I was so excited about this trip. One week away with Jamie, could it possibly get any better ?

Oh yeah and I get to see Louis. I miss this lad. He's always been one of my best friends. No matter how fucked up I was sometimes, he didn't care. If he did, he never let it show.

He hung out with us even if he was a bit different. I gotta admit, most of my friends were jerks. I am a jerk too. Well, I was one.

Louis has never been a jerk. He likes to party and stuff be he's also able to settle down with someone. He's had a couple of girlfriends and he was always faithful. I feel closer to him now that I've learned how to love someone properly.

I still like partying and stuff. I'm still not good at talking about the way I feel. I don't think I'll ever be able to change that. But Jamie is quite indulgent. She doesn't want me to change. She just wants me to respect her, which I'm able to.

I never thought being in a relationship could be that easy.

"Harry I think I'm ready" she said, getting out of the house.

"You think? Love, you've been packing for like 3 hours. I'm quite certain you are ready" I said, laughing.

"God you don't get it. You can't call a girl, tell her you're going on a trip, wait for her answer right in front of her place, tell her you're leaving tonight and expect her to be ready ! Us, girls, need plenty of time to pack stuff. We don't just throw clothes in a bag. We have to think about it" she explained, which made me laugh even more.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that you, girls, liked to be surprised be us, boys" I said, winking.

"We like it but you, boys, should expect a certain amount of time for us, girls, to be ready" she replied.

"Okay you win" I said, dropping the subject. Arguing with Jamie is probably my favourite thing on earth. "I love when you argue with me. You're as cute as a button"

"I don't want to be cute when we argue, I want you to get my point" she said, trying to hide her smile which never works.

"I get your point, don't worry" I said, kissing her cheek. "Ready to leave now? I packed everything"

"Let's go then !" She said, sitting in the passenger seat. "I'm going to be the DJ!"

"Oh. Music" I said, remembering I did not put any on my phone before leaving.

"Don't tell me you've got only 30 songs on your phone again? How do you expect us to last 40 hours with only 30 songs?" She said, exasperated.

"Only 30 songs but they're my favourites!" I laughed. "I need to download more I just haven't had time. I know you've got plenty on your phone anyway so problem solved!"

"You're so lucky to have me" she said, giggling. She meant it as a joke, but she was damn right.

"I really am. Alright, here we go!" I said, starting the engine. "I thought we could drive like 2 hours and then stop to get something to eat. We'll see if I need to sleep."

"We won't see, you'll need to sleep. And two hours really?" She said, pointing at the fuel indicator.

"Oh right, gas. Another thing I forgot" Thanks to ADD.

"It's fine Harry, just unimportant stuff" She said, laughing.

"Exactly. Who needs gas anyway?" I replied. She kissed my cheek and it made me smile instantly.

"I love you, silly"

"And I love you, darling" I took her hand in mine and kissed her. "California, here we come!"



Hey guys! It feels so good to write again!
I'm curious, do you like it so far?

Thanks for reading!
Aly x

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