Chapter 6

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"What do you mean you fucked up?" Louis asked, worried.

"When Jamie was sleeping, I spoke to your girlfriend-"

"Slow dude. She's not my girlfriend, yet"

"Anyways, I'm sorry to tell you this but I can't keep this to myself. She fucking kissed me" I said, uncomfortable as fuck.

"What? We just shared a girl" he said, laughing. Louis isn't the type to show any harsh or sad feelings. However, I thought he was going to be upset.

"Well yeah. At first I was just being nice and stuff. Then she started flirting with me quite... intensely. I froze. I didn't know how to answer to that. That's when she kinda kissed me. It didn't last long I stood up fast! But I feel incredibly bad now" I explained.

"No need to lad! I don't mind at all. We're not even official at the moment and it's nothing serious. I can't blame you, she's kinda hot though" he said, winking at me.

"You don't get it Lou. It's Jamie I care about right now. I didn't have the balls to tell her what happened. I wanted to but she was so jealous and upset that I didn't want to add up to that. I wanted to make her feel confident... So I lied and said she didn't need to worry. She'll leave me if she ever learns that Amber kissed me... I need her dude.." I said, meaning every word.

"Haz! Stop it! She doesn't have to know. I mean it's Amber who kissed you. Technically, it's not your fault" he said, trying to make me feel better. Nice try Louis.

"What makes me quite upset about myself is that I didn't have the balls to push her away. What's wrong with me? I'm the happiest man on earth when I'm with Jamie and still, I failed!" I said, getting even more upset.

"It's okay lad. Don't be so hard on yourself. No offense to you but you're not used to being faithful. Give yourself some time" he said, putting his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

"Louis, I don't have time" I replied.

"If she loves you, she will give you some time. Try not to fuck up often and it'll be alright. It's just a mistake, I don't think you have to tell her. I'll keep the secret and I'll ask Amber to do the same" he said, squeezing my shoulder.

"Thanks Lou..." I didn't know if it was the right thing to do but I didn't know what else to do.

"It'll be alright Haz. Don't worry. You're good with girls, you'll be fine" he said, winking at me. I didn't want to be good with girls, I wanted to be good for her only.

At this exact moment, Amber appeared and hugged Louis.

"Hey my bear" she said, kissing him.

"You kissed Harry?" He harshly said. I didn't understand his reaction. Not at all...

"Yeah but... it was a mistake Lou I'm sorry. I mean, he's hot I just had to try him. Don't be mad at me my man" she said, playing with his hands.

"Okay... but you do that again and it's over" he said, kissing her.

"Promise" she said, smiling. "I'm going to cook you guys something"

"Sure, love" Louis softly replied.

"What the fuck dude?" I asked when Amber got out.

"I don't mind if she kissed you but I don't want her to get used to cheating on me. Got a reputation to keep" he winked.

"You never changed Lou" I said, laughing.


My heart was shifting between two awful feelings; anger and sadness.

I was angry at Harry. I was freaking pissed off. I didn't mean to listen to Harry and Louis' conversation but I'm so freaking glad I did. I wanted to surprise Harry and that's when I heard him say that he fucked up big time. I shouldn't have listened, but I did. Thank god I did.

Harry decided to play me. He decided to lie to me "to make me feel confident". Bullshit. Hiding the fact that he kissed the slut is a proof that Harry never actually changed.

He still likes girls as much as he did. His past is slowly getting to him.

Beside anger, I felt sadness. No matter what he did, I'm deeply in love with Harry and that's giving him the power to destroy me.

I decided to play his disgusting little game for two reasons. First of all, I wanted him to experience how much it sucked to be betrayed by the one you love. Second of all, I wanted to see how long he would last without telling me about Amber. I wanted to see if he could actually lie to me as much as I thought.

"Hi my love" he said, trying to kiss me on the lips. I turned around and his kiss leaned right on my cheek.

"Hey" I said, still walking to the kitchen. "Hey Louis, I love your shirt" I said, putting my hand on his chest.

"Yeah thanks" Louis replied, looking at Harry. "It's boyfriend material" he joked, winking. I instantly laughed way harder than I usually do.

"You are so funny" I exclaimed.

"Indeed" he said playfully. It's easy to flirt with Louis, he's always so responsive. I know he takes it as a game but Harry's look told me that he took it seriously. That's what I wanted.

"Jamie?" Harry asked, cluelessly.

"What?" I asked, not even looking at him.

"What's the deal with Lou?" He asked awkwardly.

"Nothing? He's a friend we're just talking like friends do" I replied, still ignoring his glare.

"Alright love" Harry said, smiling. "Guess you just got more comfortable around him! I'm glad" he said, taking me in his arms.

I had to take this to another level...

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