Chapter 3

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I love driving. It's so peaceful and it helps me think just about everything. Jamie is sound asleep right beside me and it takes everything in to stare at the road instead of just watching her sleep. It might sound creepy but she's adorable. She started moving, slowly waking up.

"Hmm... Hey" she said, her eyes still closed. "Where are we now?"

"We're in Arkansas, my love" I seriously answered.

"No way!" She said, her eyes now wide awake. "Already? Oh my god how long have I been asleep for?!"

"Three hours" I said, laughing. "I was kidding, we're still in Virginia"

"God you're so silly" she said, getting comfier and closing her eyes again. "Are you tired? Do you want me to drive?"

"Sure. You don't seem tired at all sleepyhead. Go back to sleep I'm alright" I said.

"We can stop somewhere to get some sleep"

"I'm okay! I love driving. I want to get there as soon as possible. I just need coffee and we're good to go!"

"Alright. I'll take one too and try to stay awake with you" she said.

As soon as we started to drink our coffee, Jamie fell back asleep.






10 hours later





"Good morning sleepy head" I said, smiling at her beautiful self.

"Oh damn Harry !" She said, suddenly wide awake. "I fell asleep again. I'm so sorry! You had to drive all night. Are you okay? Tired?" She asked, stroking my hair softly.

"I'm perfectly fine! Not even tired yet. How did you sleep?"

"Good. I feel so bad I swear I really wanted to stay awake with you!"

"No need to, darling! I stopped a while ago to get another coffee and I figured you'd be hungry when you wake up. I bought you cinnamon rolls with some fruits. Thought you might want to eat something" I said, handing her the bag.

"If I'm not the luckiest girl on earth I wonder who that is. Thank you Harry" she said kissing my cheek. My phone rang and Jamie reached it just as I was about to. "I hate when you use your phone while driving"

"Then just answer the call! Put it on speakers"

"Okay. Hello?" She said.

"Woah lad, what have you done with your voice? It's girly, quite attractive actually"

"Hey Louis. Watch what you're saying about my girlfriend" I replied, laughing.

"I can't even talk about her voice, how protective" he said, which made Jamie laugh. Louis is probably the only guy who can jokingly flirt with my girlfriend without me getting mad. "You there soon guys?'

"We're halfway there" I replied.

"Woah it's taking you so long. Drive faster dude. I can't wait to see you guys. I feel so fucking lonely here. I met a girl though, she's probably going to be there when you arrive tomorrow morning. Just wanted to tell you"

"That's my boy. Is she girlfriend material?"

"Totally is. Well, I think. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow" he laughed. "Anyways, gotta go. Love you H. Love you too Jamie" he said, messing with me again.

"Enough Tommo" I cut him, making Jamie laugh again. "Bye lad"

"Louis is so funny" she said, giggling.


"Not as much as you" she said, giggling.

"That's better" I replied, winking.









Harry drove alllll the way to California. He never wanted me to drive. Said he liked it and that I was too tired to drive. Too tired! I slept all trip long.

"We've been on the runnnnn driving in the sun" Harry couldn't stop singing.

"Not again, please" I begged.

"Looking out for number 1. California here we comeeee, Right back where we started from"

"I can't"

" Californiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Californiaaaaaaaaaa" Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't like hearing Harry sing. In fact, I love it. The thing is, this song has been on repeat for more than an hour.

"Stop it" I said, turning the volume down. "It's too much for me."

"I was curious to see how long you'd last with me singing this song all over again. Actually, I'm quite surprised. You're really patient!" He said, smirking. "But we're in Cali, love! Look, it's Stanford." I looked up at the huge building right in front of us. Stanford is so prestigious. The architecture is quite impressive. We parked and got out of the car.

"Finally !" I said, stretching my legs. "Do you know where is Louis' dorm?"

"Yes. He explained it to me like two days ago. Let's go!" Harry said, holding my hand and leading me inside the building.

"It's so beautiful. I wish I studied here" I said, looking everywhere around me.

"Please don't" he said, smiling. "I'd need to buy a private plane or something. "

"Quite affordable" I replied. "What's the room number?"

"It's 2412. This one I think" he said, knocking on the door. A girl opened it. She was blond and was wearing a red bikini. Harry took a while to answer. She looked at him with a smile "Hey? Is that Louis' room?" He hesitantly asked.

"Sure is, handsome! Come in!" She said, leading us inside. "You must be Harry?" She asked, completely ignoring me.

"Indeed. And you are?" Harry asked. 

"I'm Amber" She replied. "It's such a pleasure to meet you" she said, hugging him.

"Yeah" Harry uncomfortably replied. "Nice to meet you too. By the way, this is Jamie." She looked at me in an incandescent way.

"I'm his girlfriend" I rushed.

"You got lucky" she replied. "Handsome man you've got" she said, not even looking at me. At that moment, I wanted to rip her eyes off and throw them out the window. "Louis is in the shower. I'll keep you company until he's done"

"Sure" Harry said, fucking smiling at her.

What a bitch.

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