Chapter 4

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We sat on the couch, waiting for Louis to get ready. Believe me, it takes a while for Louis to get ready.

"So..." Harry said, trying to kill the awkward silence. "What do you do for a living Amber?"

"My dad is the head coach for the soccer's team at Stanford" Oh dear, Harry asked you what YOU do for a living. Clearly, you don't do anything. "I just follow him and his team around. I'm quite part of the team actually"

The first word that comes to my mind: stupid. She looks so freaking stupid.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Harry exclaimed. Really?

"Yes and I study music. I'm a singer actually!" A singer? No way. "My dream is to make it big. I know I have what it takes it's just a matter of luck you know?"

"Yeah totally. Just need someone to notice you once and it can get your career going! Good luck with that!" Harry replied. It keeps getting worse.

"Hey lad !" Louis said, rushing to us. He was wearing only a towel and tried to hug Harry.

"Dude, pants on at least?" Harry's reaction didn't surprise me at all.

"You can hug me with or without pants handsome, I don't mind" Amber said, winking. Slut.

"Sure thing love" he said, winking back and kissing her cheek. I thought I was going to throw up. She sat on him and kept eyeing Harry.

"Louis, you never told me your friend was that cute!" I swear, she did it on purpose again.

"Yeah Louis, you should've told her! I mean, we gotta be ready when I come by" Harry said, laughing. That was too much.

"And you Jackie, what do you do for a living?" She asked obnoxiously.

"It's Jamie" I said, refusing to answer her with more than two words. I think she can't handle more than that. Small brain struggles.

"Whatever" she said, rolling her eyes. "How did you guys meet?"

"Well same school, we started to talk to each other and then we both developed feelings I guess!" What a way to describe our relationship. I stood up.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I left, closing the door behind me.

I wanted to stay locked in until she left. Her attitude was unbearable.

"Hahahah Harry! You're so funny!" I heard her say through the door. What's her problem?

"Thanks, love" he replied. I just wanted to take Harry's car and drive back to my place. If only it wasn't a 40 hour drive...

I stayed in the bathroom for a while until I heard someone knock on the door.

"Hey Jamie" It was Harry. "We're going to the beach. You want to come with us?" If I want to come? Or what? I'm going to stay here all alone?

"Well yes" I replied, coming out of the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Totally. Let's go to the beach" I replied. "By the way, next time someone asks about how we met, you could try to sound like it actually meant something to you. Just saying."

"What?" he asked, smiling. "Jamie what's wrong? Are you jealous?"

"Jealous? How could I be jealous of her?" I asked.

"Well that's what I was asking myself. She's got nothing on you" he smiled, kissing me softly. " I'll be in Louis' room, putting my swimsuit"

He's right. Maybe I'm overreacting... But I really hate her. She's flirting but Harry isn't, I shouldn't be mad at him.

After a while, Harry was still in Louis' room.

"Lad, what's taking you so long!" Louis yelled. Harry didn't answer.

"I'll go see if he's okay" I said, walking to Louis' room. When I opened the door. I saw Harry on Louis' bed. He was sound asleep. "Louis, Harry's sleeping"

"What do you mean? It's 1 pm! I'll go wake him up" Louis said, walking to his room.

"Don't! He just drove 40 hours and hasnt't had a proper night of sleep. He's probably really tired" I explained.

"Alright then, let's go!"

"I'm a bit tired too, I think I'll stay with him. We'll join you when he wakes up" I said, avoiding to spend any more time with Amber.

"Oh I see" Louis winked. "See ya!" He took Amber by the waist and left.

I went to Louis' room and sat next to Harry. I played in his hair which woke him up a bit.

"I'm sorry. Fall back asleep" I said, stopping.

"Hey it's alright" he said, taking my hand and putting it right back in his hair. "Lay down next to me" he said. I put my head on his chest and he started stroking my hair. "I just need a 5 minute break. Then we can go to the beach"

"It's alright just sleep. You must be so tired!"

"I'm fine. I love you Jamie" he said, kissing me.

"I love you too"

I really do love this guy more than anyone in the world. I needed time alone with him. It helped me feel better about the whole 'Amber is a bitch' thing.

My eyes starting closing and I fell asleep right next to my boyfriend.

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