Snow - Kuroko Tetsuya

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It was the first day of December. I expected snow, and so did the weathermen. I was on my way to home, when something fury bumped into my leg. I looked down and saw a little puppy waving its tail.

"Oh, you, cute creature." I bent down to pick up the puppy. It licked my nose. „Hey, it's ticklish!" I giggled. A couple of minutes, a light blue haired boy appeared.

"Sorry, but he's my dog." The boy said in a monotone voice with an expressionless face. Somehow, he seemed so familiar to me. I handed him his dog. „Here you go."

"Thank you." He said and smiled warmly. Suddenly, everything cleared.

"Tetsu-kun, it's you" I said happily.

"(y/n)-chan?" He asked back.


"It's a pleasure to meet you again, (y/n)-chan."

"Yeah, it'd been a while since our last meeting." I sighed, remembering back to our graduation.

"Do you have time? I want to walk with you, if it's possible." Kuroko said.

"Yes, I always have time for you, Tetsu-kun."

"I'm really happy, but stop calling me Tetsu-kun. It reminds me of Momoi-san."

"Why are you saying this? You liked her, didn't you?"

"Not really. She's so annoying. But sometimes she's very useful." Kuroko said as he started to walk. I adjusted my violet scarf and followed him.

"That's my opinion too! But, if I can't call you Tetsu-kun, how should I call you?"

"Tetsu would be good." He said and he smiled a bit, but I couldn't see his smile.

"And how's school, Tetsu?"

"Boring question, try again." He snickered.

"How do you get on with the girls in your class?" I smirked.

"Well, I haven't got the faintest idea why they think I'm cute. I don't really have a girl friend in class."

"Oh, I see. Which school do you attend to, anyway?"

"SeirinHigh School."

"Don't be so formal." I pouted.

"What about you, (y/n)-chan? School, boys, friends?"

"Well, I attend to Yosen, Atsushi is my classmate. I often tutor him; he's as lazy as he was. I can call Himuro Tatsuya a friend too; we three hang out a lot. I often go to their basketball practice. They're so powerful. And huge." I giggled.

"Oh, I see. Sorry, this may sound rude, but how is Murasakibara-kun acting when he's around you?" He asked with a little anger in his voice.

"Umm, he's just being Atsushi. Nothing special."

"Really?" Kuroko suddenly stopped so he could face me. He had to look up since I was five centimeters taller than him.

"Tetsu, stop it. It's Yosen, not Teiko. You don't need to be like this. I'm 17; I can handle my own things, even if you don't think!" I raised my voice, because this shorty pissed me off.

"Calm down. I just want to be sure, that no one set eye on my crush."

"What did you say? Crush?" I blushed.

"Yes, I said crush. You're my crush since you were the manager of our team. I know, you loved someone else at that time. Yes, I knew that you had a huge crush on Aomine-kun. I saw that you wanted him to notice you, but it seemed he didn't have an interest in you that way. It hurt me seeing you crave for someone else. It didn't matter how hard I tried, you just ran after Aomine-kun. But when you confessed and got rejected, you ran to me to cry on my shoulders. The inner me was happy that you got rejected, but I felt sorry for you. I wanted to hug you so much, but I didn't do it, because I don't hug people. After your rejection, we got closer. At that time I'd developed feelings for you, but I couldn't confess because you fell in love again with a member of our team. You knew that Akashi wouldn't requite your feelings, but you were stubborn, as always. You tried and got rejected again. I remember that time so were so blue. I tried to cheer you up, I wasn't successful. Then I thought to myself that I'm just an invisible shadow and no one would notice me. A couple months later a big disaster for me and a big happiness for you had come. Aomine-kun asked you out and you said yes. I was happy for your happiness, but I was sad too. It may sounds evil, but I was happy when you broke up with him. I've always wanted to say it to you, but you never had a free minute for my motions. Here and now I say, that I love you." With these word he confessed me and I just stood there tears streaming down my face and smiling.

I hadn't noticed, but it started to snow and all around us everything was white.

"Oh, I didn't want to make you cry." He said warmly and pulled me in a tight hug.

"It. . . it was beautiful, Tetsu." I sniffed.

"(y/n) look, it's snowing." Kuroko said smiling and spinning around like a child.

His dog barked and jumped into a bigger snow pile.

"Yes, you're right. It's the first now. And from everything, the first is the most beautiful, don't you think?" I asked flushing a bit.

"What do you mean?" He blinked at me blushing.

"This." I said and suddenly kissed him on the lips. I immediately felt warmer. So did Kuroko. Our make out session was stopped the dog's barking.

"It's getting colder. I should walk you home."

"Oh, it's really kind of you." I smiled and started to walk after his dog.

Suddenly I felt a palm touching mine. I looked left and saw a blushing Kuroko.

"Tetsu, you're incredibly cute when you're blushing." You giggled.

"Stop calling me cute, (y/n)." Kuroko blushed even more.

"Aww, you sweet tsundere!" I said and kissed him passionately.

Kuroko no Basuke One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz