Summer festival - Kise Ryouta

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I've been thinking about the festival all day... I was wondering if he accepted my invitation... I was really excited.
When I got home I found a purple yukata in my room. I was happy to dress traditionally again.
After finishing my homework I called Kise. I was curious about how he had decided. Fortunately, he accepted. We'll meet at the sanctuary. Oh my God, I'm so excited!
My mother helped me to do my makeup and my hair. Before I left the flat I checked myself in the mirror. My hair was in a bun, my makeup matched the yukata's colour.
I left the house. The streets were crowded with families and couples. Some of them were wearing traditional clothes, but some wasn't.
I looked at my phone; it read 8.05 pm. 'Holy shit! I need to hurry up!'
I was in a big hurry but I got there eventually. I was searching the crowd for Kise. In the next moment I saw him. He was wearing a black leather jacket, a red shirt, really tight black jeans and boots. I approached him.
'Sorry' I said panting.
Kise didn't say a word. He just checked me out and I swear I saw him blush.
'Don't worry. I got here myself not long ago.'
'Okay then.'
'Where do you want to go first?' He asked and stepped next to me. His cologne was very strong, really manly, but somehow it was a little bit sweet, too.
'First, I don't want them to notice me.' I said pointing to two girls who went to the same school as me.
'Alright' He said sweetly and took my hand.
I blushed and looked at him, but he just winked and smiled.
'So, how was your day, sweetie?'
'Hmm... nothing interesting; school was total shit and boring. I couldn't wait to meet you!' I said and clung to his arm.
I looked around and I couldn't see the girls anymore. 'I can't see them. We did it!'
'You should be an actress.' Kise smiled.
'You weren't so bad yourself.' I chuckled and wanted to let go of his hand but he tightened his grip.
'Why don't we stay like this?'
'Okay. If you want' I blushed. 'Let's grab some squid! I saw a booth somewhere.'
'Mm-hmm' He hummed and looked down to me.
'What is it?'
'Nothing, I just think you're cute.' He smiled and blushed.
'Whoa. Don't be so blunt. You make me blush.' I laughed.
'But that's the truth.'
'Oh! There's the squid booth!'
We went there and we both got one. I wanted to take out my purse but Kise stopped me.
'I'm paying tonight.'
'It's very kind of you.'
'It's nothing.' He smiled and gave me the squid.
'Thank you!' I said and started munching on it.
We were walking next to each other, in silence. I was looking around. Children were running around with pinwheels and their parents were scolding them. Couples were walking hand in hand, sharing their cotton candies or other food. I couldn't help but smile.
It was kind of strange to go to this festival with Kise, because the team always went together. Sometimes I went with them. We voted what to try first but everybody said different things so we just scattered and everyone went to where they wanted to go.
As I was thinking about these things, I forgot about Kise and chuckled.
'What are you thinking about?'
'Nothing' I shook my head. 'Anyway, how did you know I was thinking?'
'You think I am this stupid?' He raised his voice and stepped in front of me so I couldn't continue walking.
'I didn't say that you're stupid.' I sighed. What's gotten into him? Is he jealous?
'It's written all over your face!'
'Ryo-chan, I think you have problems with your eyes.'
When he heard the nickname he blushed.
'Ryouta... I mean.'
'Where did you get this nickname from?'
'I call you "Ryo-chan" when I talk about you.' He blushed even more.
'You... you're talking about me to others?'
'Of course, we're friends, right?'
'Yeah... friends...'
'Let's just assume, you didn't hear that.'
'I heard it! So, Kise spit it out! Do you have feelings for me?'
Kise's face went pale. 'You don't beat around the bush, do you, (y/n)-cchi?'
'No, I don't. So?'
'Look. Doesn't is matter, if I have feelings for you or not? I'm a model and we're not in the same school. This wouldn't work out...' I saw he had difficulties saying these words.
'I see. I thought you were going to say something like this.'
'Did I crush your soul?' He asked with sarcasm.
'Not at all. I think you're the one who's hurt.' Kise nodded his head.
'Cotton candy?' He asked with sparkling eyes.
'What are you going to do, Kise Ryouta?' I chuckled.
'Nothing, (y/n)-cchi.' He smiled.
'Okay. But before that...' I didn't finish my sentence. Instead I grabbed his jacket, I pulled him closer and I kissed him. It took him a while to kiss back. His hands found their ways to my waist and I snaked my hands around his neck. My fingers were playing with his hair.
Moments later we had to stop because we both needed air.
'What the hell?'
'Shh... don't say a word.' I put my finger on his lips. 'Let's grab some cotton candy instead!' I said happily and took Kise's hand and started pulling him after me.
We were sitting on a bench, eating the sweet.
'It's a little too sweet, don't you think?' I asked and tore another piece from the cloud of sweetness.
'Not sweeter than you, (y/n)-cchi.' He said winking and I blushed.
'You spent a little too much time with Moriyama-senpai, didn't you?' I licked my fingers because they were sticky.
Kise looked away as fast as he could. 'No, I didn't.' He chuckled. 'But your kiss encouraged me.
'I can see that.' I laughed.
Kise was looking at me. No, not looking. He was staring at me.
'Is there something on my face?' I asked with my head cocked to the side.
Kise didn't say anything, but he leaned in and licked the corner of my mouth.
I blushed and blinked a couple of times. 'Ryouta?'
'There was cotton candy on your face.' He smiled.
'You could've just said that...'
'I could see that you enjoyed it.'
'Excuse me?' I asked and I licked my fingers again because they were too damn sticky. That's the one thing I don't like about cotton candy.
'You are doing it on purpose, aren't you?' He asked looking to the side and rested his elbows on his knees.
'No, I'm not.' I shook my head and I couldn't help but grin when I looked over to Kise.
'What's so funny?'
'Nothing. Oh, what's the time?'
Kise straightened his back and looked at his phone. '9.55'
'We have five minutes before the fireworks! Let's find a good place.'
'Alright.' He smiled.
Be both stood up and I threw away the cotton candy's stick. When I got back to Kise I took his hand and started to run.
'I'm happy we didn't buy ice cream...' he murmured behind my back and I smiled.
We got through the crowd and we ended up on a bridge. I went to the railing because I wanted to rely on it because my legs hurt.
Kise looked at me and in the next moment he lifted me up so I could sit on the railing. I look at him with a puzzled look but he just smiled at me. He held my waist through the whole show.

* * *'That was beautiful!''Yeah, I liked it too.' Kise smiled.'Thank you for this wonderful night!' I said blushing.'Thanks for kissing me, (y/n)-cchi.' He winked.'I saw that you wanted to kiss me, so...Meanwhile, we reached my house.'It's a pity you live this close...''Don't say that! We took the train; you spent more time with me if we didn't take the train.''Don't be like this, (y/n)-cchi...' Kise pouted.'Sorry.' I laughed and hugged him.'Good night.' He whispered in my ear.'Good night.' I smiled.Without warning Kise pulled me close and kissed me softly. 'I can't wait till our next date!' He winked and waved.I watched his figure getting further and further and when I couldn't see him I went into the house with a big grin.

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