Sadistic ways of seduction - Hanamiya Makoto

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Hanamiya Makoto. He's my classmate and he's the guy I hate the most. He's so full of himself, it disgusts me. He's the most intimidating boy in the school, yet every girl loves him. Everyone, except me.
It was History class and Hanamiya rested his chin in his palm and he was staring out of the window. He looked like he was somewhere far away in dream land. I envy him, because he never pays attention in classes but he knows almost everything.
When the class was over his fangirls were already outside the classroom... I sighed and sat next to my friend, Chizu.
'I am good looking too, but I don't have fangirls... Why?' asked Yatarou, one of my classmates.
'Shut up, Yata.'
'Stop it!' I snapped.
'Are you mad?' Yatarou asked.
'She's always mad, haven't you noticed?' I heard a voice behind me.
'Oh, I didn't know what was missing. Go back to your bitches, Hanamiya.'
'And she's cussing too. How can you be friends with her?'
'Stop it, or I will hit you!'
Hanamiya made a fake scared face. 'I'm terrified.' He laughed.
Okay. I was patient until this time. I stood up from my seat growling and I punched Hanamiya in the face. He hit the table behind him. Hanamiya grinned, wiped the blood off of his face and punched back. I bit my lip and felt the blood's typical taste in my mouth.
'Is it how you treat a girl?' I asked and tried not to cry.
'I haven't noticed that you are one.' Hanamiya smirked and approached me. He punched me in the face. I screamed loudly and a teacher that was walking on the corridor heard me. And that teacher was our head teacher.
'You guys! To my office, now!' He shouted.
Neither of us paid attention to him, we were busy staring into each other's eyes with hate.
'What are you waiting for?' He asked and dragged us by our collars.
'What do you think you were doing? You think you'd get away without a punishment? Then, you're wrong. (y/n), I'm disappointed. I didn't think you're a fighter.'
'I'm not, sir. But Hanamiya pissed me off.'
'Violence is not the answer. You both get a homeroom warning. But promise me, next time you're just going to shout with each other.'
'Okay.' I smiled.
'You'll spend the rest of your day in the infirmary.'
'Alright.' Said Hanamiya and stood up.
I stood up too and went to the door. 'Goodbye.'
Hanamiya stepped next to me and opened the door for me. 'Thank you.'
After we packed our bags we went to the infirmary. The nurse supplied our wounds and we got ice packs for our faces. And when she finished, she left us.
Wow, I'm going to spend hours with Hanamiya alone. I hope we don't kill each other...
I took out my phone and started playing. Hanamiya was lying on the bed, with his hands behind his head and he was staring at the ceiling.
Sometimes Hanamiya looked at me briefly, but I didn't care. And about half an hour later he broke the silence.
'I'm going to the cafeteria. Want something?' He asked as he sat up.
'No, thanks.'
'Are you sure?'
'Yes, just go.'
'Alright, as you wish.' He said and walked out.
What is with him all of a sudden? Maybe this is the real Hanamiya Makoto? I don't really think...
After five minutes Hanamiya came back with a bottle of water and cola and a sandwich.
'Cola or water?'
'Water... no, cola.' I smiled.
'There you go.' He gave me the bottle. 'Oh, and this is yours too.' He said and gave me the sandwich too. It's my favourite!
'How did you know that this is my favourite?' I asked and opened it.
'Your friend was standing behind me, we talked a bit and in the end she said that you like this.'
Chizu, I'll kill you... Or maybe not?
'Say, are you always like this, like now?'
'Then why are you so cruel with me?'
'The truth is I don't really know how to deal with girls...
'I see the opposite. What's with all your fangirls?'
'They're dumb as shit. They just do what others do.
I laughed. 'I can't believe that you're the same guy who punched me before a couple of hours.'
'I'm not always like this. Maybe I'll change a bit.'
'That'd be great!'
'Hey!' Hanamiya smiled.
'Sorry. Don't you want to apologize?'
'You started, not me. Shouldn't you go first?'
'Okay, you win. Sorry.'
'I forgive. I'm sorry too.'
'You're forgiven.' I nodded.
'Now, we're quits.' He said and laid back into the bed.
I thought I show him how good I am at basketball, so I crumbled the sandwich's package and threw into the bin. It went in perfectly.
'Wow'. He whistled and clapped.
'Thanks.' I bowed and reached for my bag. I brought a really good book with me today, who knew it'd come handy? I took it out and started reading.
Hanamiya got up and paced up and down in the room. He stretched and yawned a couple times. He walked to my bed and he rested his hands on the end of it.
'Do you have a headache?'
'No, fortunately, I don't. Thanks for asking.'
'Okay.' He smiled and went back to his bed and started to listen to music.
We were in silence. The only noises were the ones that came outside the infirmary, but when the break was over, it was Hanamiya's music.
After a couple of moments I went to the bathroom. After I finished I was looking at myself in the mirror. I combed my hair and I tried to hide away my bruises with liquid makeup but it looked terrible, so I didn't try it. Instead I put on some lip gloss. I wonder what Hanamiya will think about it. Wait, what? Why do I care about it? What if...? No, that can't be... Or can it? Maybe I was blinded with hate to notice how sweet he is. But I didn't really have the chance...
After these thoughts I went back to the infirmary. The nurse and Hanamiya were worried about me.
'We thought you fainted! Don't scare us next time!'
'Okay, I got it.' I smiled and went back to my bed. Before I sat down I drank the remaining cola and threw the bottle in the bin.
After I sat down Hanamiya stood in front of me. He held out his arm.
'This doesn't suit you.' He murmured and wiped the lip gloss off of my lips. He blushed and went back to his bed.
What the hell was that?!" I screamed in my head. I quickly picked up the book and hid my face behind it. My head was probably as red as a lobster. Hanamiya laughed.
'What are you laughing?' I asked still hiding behind the book.
'You're cute. Silly.' He looked at me and stuck his tongue out.
'What?' I looked out.
'Put that fucking book down!'
'No, I won't. You put it down, if it disturbs you.'
'Okay.' Hanamiya smirked and sat down next to me. Without warning he poked my side and I dropped the book.
'Stop it. NOW!'
'Oh. Are you ticklish?'
'Nope... maybe a little.'
'I knew it!' He laughed and started tickling me.
My tears were streaming down my face, I laughed that much.
'Makoto, stop it. I'm starting to run out of tears.' I laughed.
'Alright, I stop it.' He grinned.
'Why are you grinning? You're suspicious.'
'You know how did you call me?' I shook my head.
'You finally called me Makoto.'
I blushed. 'R... really?'
'Yeah.' He nodded his head.
'It... it was an accident.'
'Okay, but it's better we don't argue. Who knows if you'd hit me again or not.'
I shrugged. 'I don't know.'
'What'd you do if I told you I love you?'
'What? You really want to tell me that? After this? What'd you do if I told you I reject you?'
'You'd better not say that.' He said and his eyes darkened.
'Or else what'd you do to me?'
'I don't want to say it, you moron.' He smirked and stuck out his tongue again.
For a brief moment a chill ran down my spine.
'And I don't want to know.'
In the next moment Hanamiya pinned me down to the bed. He held both of my wrists above my head with a rather strong grip.
'I'll make sure you fall for me. I'll do everything to please you. And once you're in the spider web, there's no way out.' He whispered in my ear in a low voice.
'You'll break my wrists.' I squeaked but he only tightened his grip.
'How does it feel?' He asked with a crazy expression.
I swear I'm scared of him right now...
'I now understand why you don't know how to approach a girl. I'm sure this is not the right way.'
'How dare you!' His expression darkened.
'Hanamiya, please, stop it!' I begged.
'See who you're dealing with...' With a growl he let go of my wrists. 'But remember, once you're stuck you cannot get away. You'll be nothing more than a prey. You're numb. You can't do anything. And the predator slowly approaches you, its pincers full of deadly poison. Within a few seconds you're dead.'
'I swear you belong in an asylum!' I said and tried to push him off of me.
'Oh, that's sweet.' He smiled and stroked my jawline.
'It's not a compliment.'
'For me it is, my dear.'
'What's with this sudden change?
'Oh, it's nothing.' He smiled tilting his head to the side.
'You're such a good actor, you know.'
'Thank you. I feel honoured.'
'But I won't fall in love with you.'
'You definitely will. I told you, I'll do everything, my little prey.
'I'm not you "prey". I'm no one to you.' I snapped.
'Be still and you won't get eaten.'
'How about you stop and go back to listening to music?'
'Don't boss me around, idiot."
I sighed and closed my eyes for a brief moment. It was a bad decision because Hanamiya took the opportunity and kissed me.
My eyes snapped open as his lips met mine. As I expected his kiss was rough. I kissed back and he bit my lower lip to stick his tongue in my mouth.
He totally won the fight and he dominated the kiss. I started to run out of breath and wanted to pull away but he didn't let me. I patted his back and he broke the kiss.
'I thought you were going to kill me.' I said gasping for air.
'That'd be good.'
'You're a sick sadistic, you know that?'
'Another compliment, thank you.'
'I don't even understand you. And I don't know if I should try to anymore...'
'That was mean.' He pouted.
'I don't care. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible.'
'Don't tell me what to do. Anyway, this way I'm successful in basketball. The referee doesn't see anything. You can crush your opponent as you wish. I like crushing them.' He said smirking.
'That's not fair play at all.'
'But it is. Until the referee doesn't see it.'
'I don't understand you.'
'Is that all you can say?'
'No. Please get off of me.'
'I tell you again. Don't tell me what to do.' I wanted to push him but he grabbed my wrists again.
'Don't even think about it.' He said with a dark expression.
'I'm afraid of you...' I gulped.
'Good... very good.' He smirked.
I was on the edge of crying. My wrists hurt like hell and I was scared. I don't really like showing weakness but crying is a natural reaction to pain.
So I let my tears flow. I didn't care what Hanamiya thought, I let them stream down my face.
'Oh. Am I this scary?' He asked with a surprised expression.
'No... It's just my wrists hurt really hurt...'
'How about I crush you more?' He asked and tightened his grip again.
'For fuck's sake, stop it!' I screamed.
He looked into my eyes. I didn't know what was going on until I heard a snap and sharp pain flooded one of my fingers.
'Idiot!' I cried out.
'Oh, sorry.' He looked innocently in my eyes.
'Fuck you.' I snapped and slapped him.
'Ow... that hurt.' He said soothing his pain with smoothing his cheek.
'You deserved it.' I smiled and pushed him off of me. 'Excuse me but I have to go.' I said as I stood up and reached for my bag and jacket.
'Bye-bye my little prey. I'll eventually devour you, don't forget that.' He smirked as I stepped outside.
Holy shit, what a day! I quickly got home and I went to the hospital with my dad.
I honestly don't understand this guy... He's a sadistic psycho who needs to be put in an asylum as fast as possible. And he thought I was going to fall in love with him. What a stupid thought...

She got stuck in my web, she can't deny it. And in the end the predator gets his prey...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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