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The sweeping breezes wafting with

morning dew

Remind me of a time when

Breezes blew.

And the wind wasn't a loveless bite on your faces

The stars weren't knights that scorned your woes

And wounds kissed their edges when wrapped in bandages,

And the grass tickled, and didn't cut your toes.

And your toothbrush had bristles that weren't bent and crushed

And the mute rush of fury was an alien emotion

And the bottle of champagne was emptied, not flushed

And you weren't judged for breaking the rhyme.

And people were true, and you knew Santa Claus

And voidous corners rippled with imaginary friends

And appearance didn't determine what you achieved

And death was the only way life could end.

And now the breeze blows in succinct abuses

Death seems a draught of ice amid these furnaces

I'm drowned and drenched in salt, and life did me so,

So I tie the noose round my neck and let my breath go.

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