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A conclusion of spatial expanse.*

A womb of spiritual enlightenment.

A black hole of inspiration,

And yet, a liberator of confinement.

A sentinel of forgotten, forlorn frequencies of merriment.

An embrace of reminiscent thought and faded, jaded grey cement.

A loving communion of two star-struck lovers in concrete

Trotting towards each other,


A captor of balmy summer whiffs and  drowsy whispers from the past,

A crater of snug seclusion; an architectural outcast,

A receptacle of vein-like tendrils and rain-like cascades of delight,

A Mecca for cravers of quiet and seekers of fortitude alike,

A misshapen, forsaken corner.
Squatting at the end of a garden,
Significantly warmer.


The dying sun then lunges at this lonely corner, grey and bare,**

Refusing to abate his light, a stubborn, high-nosed doctrinaire,

And touches up its grey hiccups to soft and fine-tuned wounds of white,

Smugly smirking at his work, before retiring for the night.

The crease dividing both the walls then grows in color, blur and size,

The concrete lovers now rejoice, their shapes by shadows plagiarised,

The Sun exhausts his final toss of orange, and a bridal hue

Of sweetish blue descends upon the lone, romantic rendezvous.


Returning to its ghostly nature, as the godly legislature wills,

The lone, romantic corner now discards its homely aura, and it kills

Its final wisp of white, to snuggle back within its bubble of dismay,

Awaiting 'nother morn that would so fleetingly transform its fading grey.


An embrace of the walls.°

And a prey to the Sun.

A catalyst of thought.

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