|Stabs at Sonnet #4|

20 4 2

I snuggle tired amid my homely couch,
Two clocks in measured wrinkles serenade,
As night evokes beyond my window shade,
A plaguing silence inward and without.

My pensive musings are intruded on,
By lengthened shadow and by strengthened hue,
That from the moon is slung, and misconstrued,
In soothing stead, as dismal and forlorn.

And oh! My tragic air is well-deserved,
For passion's sake, if not for sake of soul,
For spotless white pervades upon my phone,
And beckons me to single purpose serve,

And as the hour hand is dropped to three,
I swallow grief and vomit tragedy.


A/N- A simple piece on when I find it easiest to write sad poetry.

PS. I thought I'd play around with the rhyme scheme. ;)

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