Somebody that I Used to Know

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{before this chapter begins, I'm gonna announce that there's a song in this chapter! (Yayyy) So yeah, I posted the YouTube video below if you want a heads up on it cx but in case it doesn't work for whatever reason, the song is called "Somebody that I used to know" covered by Pentatonix! Now onto the chapter!}
As soon as the movie had finished, the 6 chipmunks had left the theater, chattering about the movie.

"That movie was so adorable!" Theodore exclaimed.

"Well it wasn't that bad..." Alvin commented, loud enough for Jeanette to hear.

"Not that BAD? Alvin! The poor dogs went through a lot!" Jeanette exclaimed.

"But it did seem predictable at some point..." Simon muttered.

"Well anyways, what now guys?" Eleanor asked. "It's still early!"

"Oh...right...about that..." Simon started to say until Alvin butted in.

"Yes well, SIMON here agreed to let me choose the next activity!" Alvin chuckled, making Brittany's face cringe.

"You WHAT?! Simon!" Brittany exclaimed.

"What?! T-T-That's not true!" He retorted.

"Actually Simon," Theodore began to say, "it kinda is true..."

You're really helping, Theo...

"Ugh! So what are your demands?" Brittany muttered.

"Oh don't be like that, Britt! I know exactly where to go!" Alvin smirked.

"Oh really? And where is that?" Eleanor asked.


"Ladies, gentlemen, and Simon, I present to you, the fair!"

Alvin had led the other 5 chipmunks to the city's fair, which was being held at the park.

"Wow! Alvin...I really wasn't expecting THIS..." Eleanor exclaimed.

"I don't think any of us did..." Brittany muttered.

"Wait a minute..." Simon began to say, walking up to Alvin.

"There's a catch to this isn't there?"

"Oh Simon. Don't be ridiculous! All I ask if for you all to have fun!" Alvin patted his head, grinning mischievously.


"Alright alright!" He gathered everyone in a circle and began to whisper.

"There's gonna be a hotdog eating contest in about two hours..."

Theodore gasped at the sound of food.

"Hot Dogs! WHERE?!"

"Shh! Theodore! Not so loud!" Alvin hissed.

"Oops...sorry! Theodore giggled nervously.

"Seriously Alvin? You bring us out here to see you stuff yourself with HOT DOGS?!" Brittany fumed.

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