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Simon's P.O.V

"Isn't this just splendid?"

Brittany exclaimed as she looked over the many pieces of clothing hanging around, intrigued as she inspected every bit of them. We were all scattered around backstage of the auditorium. Alvin and Theodore were looking through a pile that was already on the floor, Brittany was gazing at herself in the mirror, Ellie was color coding the outfits, while Jeanette was looking through a particular dress in her hands. I was across the room, sitting on the floor organizing the neckties by shape and color.

Where do I begin with this? Firstly, I wanted NO part of this. I was literally dragged into this! (By none other than Alvin...) And second, why bother? The dance is just a social activity that occurs just about every month or so! What's so special about it, really? In my opinion, the school dances are pretty boring. Although the idea for the theme is actually pretty good...-

"Uh yeah...but there's just one little problem..." Eleanor commented on Brittany's previous statement, which caught my attention.

"And that may be?...." Brittany raised a brow.

"Everything's too big for us, Britt!"

The others, who had overheard Eleanor's comment, turned to face her. She was right! It seemed like everything was meant to be human sized...

"Now that I see it," I began to say as I looked over the clothing once more, "she's got a point. Everything is human sized!" I clarified.

"So?" Alvin raised a brow.

I sent him a glare and sighed. "Alvin, do you really think we would fit into any of these?"

"I mean we could always shrink them in the wash..." Alvin shrugged.

"Yeah! You seem to know how to do that already, Alvin!" Theodore grinned. Alvin chuckled nervously. I just wanted to facepalm myself at this point, although Theodore had a point...

"Well...I'm not exactly the expert around here..." Alvin fake coughed and grinned. I could tell he wasn't exactly proud of that.

"Last time you did that, Dave went bonkers!" I chuckled. Yes, that was a really hectic day.

"Um...I hate to interrupt the conversation," Jeanette shyly spoke up as we gave her our full attention.

"But what are we going to tell Marina?"

We all just looked at each other in wonder. What were we going to tell her?

"Ooh...right..." Theodore bit his lip nervously.

"Well obviously, we have to tell her about this!" Brittany exclaimed.

I obviously wanted nothing to do with the dance all together, so my answer was pretty obvious...

"Ooor we could just forget about it and wait!" I stood up from where I was sitting and began to take my leave. That is, until I felt an arm grab my shoulder. It was Alvin.

"Oh come on, Si! Don't be such a downer!" He smirked. I sent him another glare.

"A DOWNER? Please! I just uh...wish to go back..." I forced a smile. At this point, I just want to run out of here and go back to the classroom, where I had a Sherlock Holmes book waiting for me in my backpack.

"Back? Back where exactly?" Alvin raised a brow. He obviously wasn't going to leave me alone, especially since he knew I didn't want to go to the dance. Oh why did I tell him...

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