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Simon's P.O.V

Never have I ever felt so much pain in my life!

As soon as I left the others, I had gone to put the rest of the neckties back into a box. As I turned to leave, something in the box quickly caught my attention.

It was a lone blue bowtie, isolated from the rest.

I picked it up and stared at it for a moment. The shade really resembled the one on my sweater. I couldn't help but grin. I suddenly became fond of it. Sure I had a couple of ties at home, just never any actual bowties...not like this one of course. Alvin would laugh & call me a "dork" if I ever looked at them in the mall, which was why I avoided wearing bow ties as much as possible!

Well...until now...

It was weird to be attached to it. But then I remembered, this was Marina's. It was probably so expensive that it would take 5 months worth of allowance to pay for it all!

I was about to put it back, but a thought held me back.

It wouldn't hurt to try it on though...right?'s a bowtie...

Yes, but nonetheless, I'm just curious as to how it would look on me...


By now, I was sitting in the very last row of the auditorium, away from everyone else. Not that it mattered.

I had the little bowtie in hand, ready to try it on. Until...

"What are you doing all the way back here?"

The sudden booming voice startled me, making me drop the bow tie. I must have thrown it very far, because I couldn't tell where it landed. I looked up to see Ms. Smith, who didn't look too happy...


Normal P.O.V

"Oh! Ms. Smith! Uh..."

"You better have some sort of explanation, young man. Surely one better than Alvin..." She muttered that last part, which was still audible enough for Simon to hear. A small grin escaped his lips before turning his attention back to the teacher.

"Uh...well..." Simon began to stutter, thinking there would be no way out of this one. Then, an idea struck in his head.

"I was actually looking for YOU, Ms. Smith!"

Her face scrunched up, confused.

"Me? But you were sitting down-"

"So uh..." He began to whisper, inching closer, "word on the street is that you have a liking for the color green..."

Ms Smith's face soon softened.

"Why yes! Finally! A student FINALLY appreciates my taste in color! How can anyone NOT tell? Oh THIS I must announce at the next teacher conference!" Ms. Smith blabbered on, leaving Simon staring in bewilderment. How sad it must be for one to be acknowledged at such an age...

Distracted, Simon took this time to get up and flee before shed question him once more. However, there was one tiny problem...

The bow tie was gone!

He let out a gasp, quickly beginning to look around the area for a sign of the accessory. Unfortunately, there was nothing.

"Oh no, Oh no no no NO!" He whispered, putting his hands on his head. This can't be! If Marina notices the missing bow tie, she might go crazy! Or worse...sue the school!!

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