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It had gotten late so the Chipmunks and the Chipettes decided to call it a day and were heading back to their homes.

"Theodore I can't believe you won the contest! YOU of all people!" Alvin kept blabbering.
It turned out that Theodore had won the hot dog eating contest by a landslide.

"What? Eating 32 hotdogs wasn't THAT bad!" Theodore chuckled.

"That was awesome! But...don't you feel a tad sick?" Eleanor asked, concerned.

"Oh I'm sure he'll be fine." Simon responded, lightly shaking his head. Alvin sent him a glare and sighed.

"And to think that I've been practicing for weeks!"

"It's a gift." Theodore proudly smiled, earning an approving pat in the shoulder by Eleanor. Meanwhile Brittany had pulled Jeanette away from the group, now walking behind them.

"So...how did it go?"

"Hm? How did what go?" Jeanette asked, confused.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about!" Brittany smirked.

"I really don't..."

"Seriously? I was referring to you and a certain someone..." She muttered as she gestured to Simon, who was now conversing with Eleanor.

"O-Oh....that...." Jeanette shyly muttered, beginning to blush.

"I assume that's where this thing came from?" Brittany pointed to the large stuffed animal Jeanette was holding.

"W-Well he let me have it. That's all..."

"Oh really? But seriously Jean, how was it? I need to know!" Brittany eagerly pleaded, giving Jeanette THE eyes.

"Oh alright! Just stop giving me that look..." Jeanette sighed as Brittany could only grin.

"Well uh...I-I actually had a really good time. I mean w-we usually never spend this much time with each other so..."

"So you can say it was...amazing?" Brittany implied.

"Actually...yes! This has been one of the best days I've ever had!" Jeanette formed a smile.

"I'm so happy for you Jeanette! Your first date!" Brittany exclaimed, making Jeanette's eyes widen in fear.

"Woah woah hold on! This wasn't a date!" Jeanette retorted, trying to keep her voice down.

"Aw come on Jean! I'm sure that's what he thought!" Brittany smirked again, beginning to agitate her sister.

"Brittany...this was just a simple get-together with my sisters and friends. No more, no less." Jeanette walked ahead, leaving Brittany behind. However, Brittany could only cross her arms and chuckle.

"This is going to be harder than I thought..."


Before anyone knew it, the weekend flashed before their very eyes, making it Monday once more.

Miss Smith's classroom was slowly starting to pile up with students, who were tired, agonized, and not ready to start the day. Especially a certain troublemaker.

"I can't believe it's Monday already!" Alvin groaned as he took his seat, along with his brothers.

"Well look on the bright side, they're serving pizza at the cafeteria today!" Theodore grinned.

"But lunch is a long time from now! I'm gonna starve!" Alvin complained.

"You can't starve that easily, Alvin..." Simon muttered.

"Says you...you go up to almost a whole day without eating!"

"Alvin...we can go more than 10 hours without eating due to the fact that we're asleep!" Simon hissed.

Just then, Ms. Smith walks in, with her usual deadpan looking expression.

"Class, before we begin our book discussion, I have an announcement!"

However, the class was still talking amongst eachother.

"Class! Pay attention!"

At this point, most of the class had heard her tone of voice and immediately paid attention. Well...except for a certain student...
Alvin was talking to Jenny who was right behind him.

"Great! I'll see you at the party!-"


"Oh! Heya Ms. Smith! Class is starting already? Woo! Time sure does fly when you're having fun!"

Ms. Smith mentally facepalmed herself and sighed.

"Well anyways, the student council has announced that the annual dance will be held this Friday at the gym and-"

At that moment, the class erupted in cheers of joy. Classmates eagerly began to discuss the event.

"Omg! I can't wait!"

"What should I wear?"

"Do you think he'll ask me to the dance?"

"I wonder what food they're gonna serve?"

Ms.Smith could only recline in her chair and groan in aggravation.

"I can never talk for more than a minute..."


Lunch rolled around and the Chipettes were having their lunch under a tree. They were all excited for the dance. Especially a certain pink diva.

"Ooh this is exciting! I finally have an excuse to buy that gorgeous dress from Marina's shop!" Brittany exclaimed in delight.

"Marina Rodenchia? I don't know Britt...isn't her clothing a bit...expensive?" Jeanette reminded her.

"Oh don't be silly! You know how far back she and I go! Besides, I won her contest last month! Remember?" Brittany giggled, stroking her shiny handbag.

"Yeah but Alvin ruined it..." Eleanor muttered.

"And he got you a new one!" Jeanette added.

"You didn't have to remind me of that part..." Brittany sighed.

"But I still wonder how he managed to get it?"

"Me too..." Eleanor pondered. Jeanette could only giggle to herself, already knowing how Alvin managed to do it.

"I'm sure that's not important." She smiled.

Brittany stood up from her spot, looking down at her sisters.

"Girls! We're going shopping!"


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