part 5

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Sofia looks at me confused, we walk in slowly we head into a stall together and face away from each other and begin to change. I never once thought of this as weird , I wonder why, its not like were looking at each other and were both girls not to mention best friends so. Whats wrong with me I just watched something I never thought I would ever see and all i could think about is if its weird to change with my friend.

I put on my tankini top and ramble on in my head of how stupid I can be, I guess its because I don't know what to do in this situation. We finish putting on our swim suits and head out of the changing rooms. This whole time Sofia has been nothing but quiet, what is she thinking about? Once outside I get a big hug from Luke.

"Thank goodness you two are ok, I herd screaming as soon as you went in and I couldn't go in. And then a whole bunch of women came out at once.What happened? Why was there screaming?" He asks worried. He's shirtless and so cute, aww even his eyes are watering. WAIT what am I thinking? He's my best guy friend, and also he's Sofia brother. Just stop, stop right there Fiona.

I haven't seen him this worried since the time we were playing hide and seek. I was hiding under the couch and he sat on me. He's always so caring even when he's goofing around.

" It was nothing some girl had her period all over the floor and some people slipped on it , it even got on the walls."she exclaims smiling. Why would she tell him that now he's going to think that girls are like bloody buzoca water guns.

"Really cool. "He exclaims. And he actually believes that.

"Noo, there was a Transgender woman in the bathroom and people started freaking out that's all."

"Really, that's all?Wow , they overreacted!" He sighs. I shrug and we head off to the lake.

"You two go on ahead I have to put our stuff in the locker I'll meet up
With you guys at the Jake."she declares.

Jake? Did I hear her right? I look in the direction in witch she was going, ohh I see your game. In the direction she was walking I could see Jake. He was talking too someone, Luke noticed that I was distracted.

"What are you starring at?" He whispers in my ear, witch made me jump.

I shake my head no, "Nothing, let's just go" I grab him by the arm and pull him to the lake.

Oh my gosh his mussels are so hard, well he dose have a six pack but still he is rip. Wait no, I should stop. No thinking about how buff Luke is, bad Fiona, bad Fiona.

In front on the lake I slowly get in, and of course it's cold. "Ooohoo it's a little cold" I tell Luke

"Oh really, turn around." He says, I turn to face him

"Ohh it really is cold."he replies not looking me in the eyes if you know what I mean. I start to splash him with the water, and he just laughs.

"Come in already you wuss, or am I going to have to pull you in here?" I tease

He takes out some goggles from his trunks pockets and puts them on, the he walks in (like a duck) then dives in. He sticks out his head and looks at me.

" You where right it is cold, so what they say is true, thanks for testing it out for me." He says winking at me

"Who are you to be testing things out on me ?" I say splashing him repeatedly

Next thing you know we're having a splash war, he dives deeper in the water and I don't see him. Then I feel him behind me. He picks me up and throws me into the water. I quickly stand up and he's gone again. Next thing I know the lower half of my tankini yanks down. Not all the way just enough that all of my ass is showing.

"LUKE!" I shout. He jolts out of the water laughing hard from behind me. I punch him hard in the arm.

"OWW dam, someone should put you in the ring, you hit like a man!" He whines.

We continue splashing each other and don't notice Sofia standing there , when we finally do notice her waiting for us. I get sprayed with ice cold water.

I look dead at her to see Jake, Max, and Brook standing there with water guns in each of their hands.

"Why am I the only one who gets sprayed?!" I yelled

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