part 8

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"What the fuck!" He yells as I tackle him to the ground

He wasn't the only one startled, I look towards Max and he is scared shitless.

"Heyyy, did you guys miss me?" I say trying not to laugh " And in case you didn't notice, this whole thing was a prank."

"I think I've noticed." Luke says.

I'm straddling Luke's back, Max doesn't know what in the world is going on and Jeff is there smiling like crazy. The whole situation is wrong.
But sooo funny, and I burst out laughing.
I get off of Luke laughing at his reaction, I look over at Max he still has a surprise look on his face and I laugh even harder. When I finally stop laughing I hear a few chuckling. It's Jeff and he's trying not to laugh.

"Well that was fun." Jeff says "let's do that something better when we meet again."

Meet again? What? Wait he didn't tell me his name.

"Wait tell me your name."I shout as he leaves

"I'll tell you next time!" He says faintly , not turning to look at me
I just stand there watching him leave........then I hear someone clearing their throat.

I turn around to see an angry Max look at me then to where Jeff went to and a red Luke standing behind the bushes.

Why u might ask, I don't know.

"Why are y..."
"What was THAT?" I was cut off by a pist off Max.

I look at him smirking and answered

" A dude duhhh! I mean you out of all people should know that!" I say and he just gets even more pist off.

"You know what I mean don't try to play like that." He's starting to calm down.

"Well before you two came looking for me we were talking, then I asked him to help play a trick on you guys! But I never got his name."

"Well what ever his name is I don't like him." Max pouts

"Whatever, now Luke, why are you behind the bushes?" I ask

* Note ; comment if u think I should add more dirty jokes and or parts  to make this book a little more interesting *


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