part 6

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The guys including Luke all burst out laughing, as I sit there pouting.
Brook tosses his water gun next to me and I quickly grab it, then he jumps into the water and swims next to me.

"Traitor!" Jake shouts, I aim the water gun at him and spray him. I then aim it at Max and spray him, they both act as if they were hit with a bullet and fell in the water.

Luke then looks at me with his hands in the air.

"No mercy!" I shout and spray him with the water gun. I give Brook back his water gun with a high five and a hug. And I head out of the water to where Sofia no longer is.

"Do you guys know where Sofia went?" And of course they didn't answer, they were still dead.

"Okay then how do I revive you guys?" Max automatically starts to smirk. What is he thinking? And more importantly should I be excited or worried? Well ether way I'll be happy.

Luke yells out a blow job and Brook slapped him. I don't know why but that request made my face all hot.

" What about I stop caring and walk away with Brook to by ice cream." I say turning around and smirking like a maniac. I love ice cream.

" What about a kiss on the cheak?" Max suggest.
My face instantly heats up and I just stand their shocked

" Stop messing with me guys! Look I'll be back I'm going for a walk, ok so tell Sofia that." I tell them and sped off before they could notice the smirk on my face.

Oh my gosh I need to cool off, I would love to go back in the water but not while they are in there.

As I'm walking a soft breeze soothes  my heated face and relaxes me. The atmosphere around here is so calm. Probably because of the lack of people here after what had happened in the changing room.

Once I was a distance away from the boys I sat down on the grass facing the lake next to a tree.  "Ahhh,now this is relaxing. No worries, no noise, no cute guy friends making me feel all weird and confused on the inside. This is the life!" I tell myself.

I lean back aginst the tree and take in my surroundings. I heard some barking and look around once more, there is a small bright yellow object coming towards me. I quickly try to catch it but it stumbles in my hand and falls in my lap. I examine it, it's a ball and a little wet.
I hear the barking come closer and and a yellow lab arises from the bushes and sit next to me. It sniffs me all around and takes the ball from my hand. I put my hand in front of its nose for it to smell me, then begin to pet it.

It instantly lays down and allows me to pet it more, panting happily. It rolls on its back so I can pet it's stomach.

"Oh so you're a girl." I say to the dog after checking . I hear more barking and a blue ball comes flying towards me. This time It landed near my foot. And a black lab jumps out of the bushes seconds after scaring the shit out of me. It comes near me sniffs me and picks up the ball, with one hand still petting  the other dog, i have the dog sniff it. It instantly lays on its back, and I rub it's belly.

"One boy and a girl. This is the best, petting dogs in the grass. Can this get any better." I say to myself, and as if the Lord himself answered my question I hear a guy calling the dogs "Maxamus! Elisabeth!" And the dogs barking in response.

He comes out of the bushes were the dogs came from with two leashes in his hands. He looked around and when he saw me he instantly relaxed and smiled. A super cute smile.

" So your the one who stole my dogs." He said playfully

"Yeah, sorry about that." I say nervously

He is super cute. He has big light Brown eyes, perfectly full pink lips, and short fluffy black hair.

I sit there next to the dogs gocking at how cute he looks, and he starts to chuckle. How dare you chuckle when I'm thinking about how cut u are.

" I'm sorry I was just daydreaming.( LIE!) Your dog's are really well behaved, did you train them?"

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