The Airport

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--------------------4 Days Later----------------

Today is the day.I'm going to Sydney with my boyfriend and my best friend.I've packed all I need but I'm worried about Iman. I don't know how she's going to feel. We are going to Cameron's favourite place to go in the world. But I think she'll be fine. I'm soon heading off  to the airport then I'll be back in 5 weeks.Ready for college.

"Natasha, Lynn's here!!!!" Shouted Mum. I grabbed my stuff and ran down stairs.I threw my stuff on the ground and ran to hug Lynn. As I did I saw Cameron walking down the street with his new girlfriend , Arzaylea. I hate her she's such a slut. She dated Calum's best friend Luke and Luke's brother Jack and now Cameron. GOD I HATE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
"Lynn just warning you don't look behind you." I say.
"Why is it Cameron?" questioned Lynn.
"Yeah he's with Arzaylea the slut."I answer.
"Girls just forget about them we're going to Australia and look here comes Calum." Said Mum interrupting us. As she finished Calum came up behind me and scary the hell out and I screamed really loud.

As I tried to try not have a heart attack from Calum's scare we were off. I lived 20 minutes away from the airport so me and Lynn just talked about how Arzaylea is such a slut. Then next thing you know Calum responds with " Yeah she's such a bitch. Why does she enjoy ruining people's lives?" Lynn and I just bursted out in laughter and just wasn't expecting that from Calum. My mum either.

It's nearly time for us the plane to get here. My heart is racing.I've never been on a plane before but I know that I have Calum and Lynn. Luckily Iman got the seat right next to me so that's really good. I'm sandwiched in the middle between Calum and Lynn. I've brought loads of snacks and stuff to do the on plane. Lynn and I have this thing when we go on a road trip or adventure we always take loads and loads of food to share but nobody else is allowed them except us. We don't share with other you can probably guess that. But sometimes I share with Calum but that's it.

We get on the plane. I'm so scared but excited. Even though I'm worried I know I'll be alright.

And we're off..................

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