She's a Bitch

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Lynn's phone started ringing so she left the conversation. "OMG in the middle of the conversation she leaves. What a friend she is."Calum says quietly as he can so Lynn doesn't hear. I over hear Lynn's conversation she says "Hello Tia, I'm with Natasha now.Her boyfriend and other friend are falling out with me. I know I need to keep faking being friends with her but it's hard her friend Justina is coming on to me I think she knows what's going on.Call me back when you get this." As Lynn finishes her sentence I drag myself up. Calum and Justina wonder what's going on. Calum shouts "Natasha what's going on!!" But I ignore him. I slowly make my way to Lynn. As I approach her she looks confused but I don't know what about. I clench my fist a swing it at her, punching her right in the nose. "This is for being a fake friend!!" I shout. "What? I haven't done anything." Lynn replies. "You know what I mean. That phone call to Tia. You realise I can hear, I'm not deaf. After all we've been though Lynn. I thought you were my best friend. We did everything together when we were younger. We've shared secrets, Graduated and I even helped you get into college. You realise when I had no one to go to I came to you. Now I know everything you said  to comfort me or make me feel better was just a lie. Thanks a lots." Before Lynn can say anything more she can see I don't care. I walk towards Calum and Justina and they say "OMG Tash are you okay?" I don't reply I just walk by and go to my room.  

A Holiday Disaster जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें