What The....

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"Tash! Tash!" I hear Justina shouting but everything else is unclear. I open my eyes and see a crowd of people surrounding me. "Oh my god she's waking up." I hear Lynn shout at the top of her lungs. I tried to get up but my body wouldn't move. "Tasha are you okay?" Lynn asked' I mutter "I don't know." Calum and Lynn help me get up "Where is Mum and Dad?" I ask. Calum replies "They went out this morning but haven't come back." Suddenly load of thoughts went through my mind. "Oh god something has happened to them. God they've been kidnapped." I start havering a panic attack.

Calum and Justina calm me down but Lynn just stands there on her phone. I look at Justina and she can literally read my mind on what's going on. "Lynn What the Hell are you doing? Tash is worried about her parents and her dad might be involved with cocaine case. And your standing there like it's nothing." Justina  took the words out of my mouth.
(U know at the beginning of the story I said Lynn was bit of a bitch. Well now I'm saying she's a full on bitch.) 

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