What Happened To Us

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I run as quick as I can to my room crying my eyes out. Every single thought goes though my mind while I climb the endless stairs. I reach my room, I open the door in 0.01 seconds and ran to the bed. I get a text from Lynn saying " Tash I know u probably don't want to talk to me but I need to tell u something. When Tia told that I had to pretend to be your friend, I didn't want to do it. Because I know what we've been though. So many memories together. Please forgive me. Xx" I thought for a second. I'm always that person who forgives people and I have that. I texted back " You know what Lynn? No. I'm sick of doing everything for u. I'm not ur fucking slave. Go fuck yourself. Get a plane ticket home I never what to see you again." As I click send my heart is pounding.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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