Anime and Oreos

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A/N you guys are going to be so mad at meh by the time you finish this chappie. I don't know why I wrote this, but I did and I'm not sure if I should be proud I wrote something or sad that what I wrote was this. Well, give me your feedback in the comments. Buh-Bye!!!

~Mark's POV~

I woke up from my slumber to a groan. "Mark. Why'd you go so rough? I can't even fucking walk. My arse hurts too much.*groan*" Oops. He was kinda asking for it though. I think those hickeys are still there. " At least you don't have like 20 hickeys on your neck." He looked at me innocently, batting his eye lashes. "I'm sorry, Marky. But at least you don't have to waste away in bed. I can't even get food. Can you, maybe, go get some cookies. Please?" I chuckled and nodded my head. I got dressed, grabbed my keys and wallet, and drove to the store. What kind of cookies would he like? Chocolate chip? No. Peanut butter? No. Oatmeal raisin? No. Hmm, what's new? I was about to rage quit and just get ice cream, until I saw an old favorite of mine. "Oreos!!! Yes!" I cheered and grabbed as many boxes as I could carry. I paid for them and started driving home. I turned on the radio and found a Twenty One Pilots song that just came out. ( I'm TOP trash XD)  It was called Heathens. I jammed until I came to my house. I grabbed my Oreos and went upstairs. Jack was laying sprawled on the floor by the bed. I set the bags down and went to Jack's side. " Why exactly are you laying on the floor?" He grinned sheepishly at me. I looked his body over and finally realized the problem. Jack's leg was still strapped to the bed. " I stood up, but you must have forgot to untie this one. I couldn't reach it to free myself" I went and undid the strap, lifted up Jack and set him on the bed. " Want to binge watch anime and eat as many Oreos as possibly?" He nodded excitedly and grabbed to remote. " Attack On Titan or Black Butler?" I gave him a look that said ' do you really think I won't hesitate to eat all these cookies myself.' "Attack On Titan it is then." He put it on as I cuddled up against him, shoving an Oreo into my mouth. We lost track of time and before we knew it, the first season was over. " What the hell?! They can't just leave like that! Did they... How the fuck... *groan* This show will be the death of me." Jack giggled at my rage fit. " Calm down, Mark. Your gonna explode." I took a deep breath and laid back down. " I am so done for today."

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