Mistakes Can Be Fixed

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A/N HERE IS MY FACE. I'M UGLY AF I KNOW. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY IT IN THE COMMENTS. You guys have been requesting a face reveal. Well, I'm here to provide. It ends better! I promise! Well, continue on, young reader

Mark's POV:

Well shit. I fucked up. I was left alone on the floor. He didn't let me finish. Fuck man! (Nhe he he I told you I had something planned! Gave you the feels huh! Fit meh then! t (-.-t) ) It slowly sank in. Jack was gone. My sunshine left me. All because I was terrified of being alone. I'm such a fuck up.

Jack's POV:

I ran away from Mark's house. I don't know where I could go, buy anywhere was better than that place. I slowed down as I spotted a park. It was the park Mark rook me when he found me. I found a tree to rest by. I looked up and saw something was carved into the trunk of the tree. It said 'Mark X Jack' surrounded with a heart. I began to cry again. I thought about the ordeal of Mark confessing that he didn't like me. If he didn't like me anymore, why would he call my name when I ran? He... He wasn't finished! God, he was trying to tell me he loved me, but... I think he was scared to. I have to find Mark! And with that, I rushed to get back to Mark.

Mark's POV: ~Trigger Warning! Proceed with Caution! You all matter <3~

I sat there, sobbing, wondering if life was worth living anymore. Without Jack, there's no point in living anymore. I'm just a stupid, fat, worthless, depressed loser. I stood up from the floor and went to the box hidden under my bed. I pulled out my razor. Hello darkness, my old friend. (I have no life) I look at all the white scars on my wrists, some old and faded, some fresh and pink. I pressed the razor to my wrist, slowly sliding across. Blood began to appear and dribble down my arm as more cuts were made and the deeper they grew. Next came my thighs. After they were cut and bleeding, I went back to the box. There was a bottle of pills and a note already written. I grabbed the pills and poured the pills into my hand. I lifted it up, ready to end it all. I put my hand over my mouth, until my hand was pushed away and I was enveloped in a warm embrace. Who'd want to save me?

Jack POV:

I raced to Mark's house. As I finally reached his house, I sensed something was wrong. I knocked on his door, calling his name. Nothing. I rang the doorbell. Nothing. I opened the door and ran upstairs to Mark's recording room. I pushed the door open, seeing a horrible sight I wish had never happened. Mark with wrists and thighs bloodied, razor at his side, with pills in his hand, ready to end it. I ran forward, knocking the pills out of his hand. I pulled him into a hug, feeling him stiffen. "No! Don't leave! Please!" He seemed suprised at my words. Did... did I make him do this to himself? As that thought rushed into my head, tears pooled in my eyes. Mark had slumped up against me, almost seeming like he couldn't hold himself up anymore. Blood had gotten onto my clothes and pooled on the floor. I lifted Mark's face, cupping it in my hands. His brown eyes that once sparkled with happiness, we're now dull and empty. "Mark... Why would you do this to yourself?" His eyes finally met mine. Guilt and regret clouded his eyes. Tears had threatened to break over his waterline. "I... I hate myself. I shouldn't have said the things I said. I'm so sorry, Jack. I deserve to die." I stared at him in disbelief. He thinks that lowly of himself? I'll just have to prove him wrong. "Mark, never say that about yourself. You're an amazing person. You treated me with so much kindness. You've made me so happy. Why? Why would you think that you deserve any of this? You don't. I still love you, even if you don't love me." I hadn't realized I'd been crying until he wiped my tears away. I smiled at him. My smile dropped when he began to speak. "Jack, I dont know why you came back. I've been a horrible person. That's why I hate myself. I have low self esteem, as well as depression. I don't deserve to live! Why?! Why didn't you let me die?! I have nothing to live for!" Mark broke down after that. He started to shake, scream, and sob. I pulled him into my arms, wrapping my tail around his waist. He reached for his razor. "Let me have it! I deserve it!" I held him as he struggled to free himself. He collapsed and just cried harder. Mark clung to me like I was his lifeline. "J-jack, I have t-to tell you somet-thing." What does he have to tell me? "What is it, Mark?" He looked at me and smiled. "I realized why I don't like you, Jack." Oh. "Why not, Mark." He grinned. "Because I love you."

Here's an update from hell, bitches! And now the photo should be able to be viewed by you guys. I have a plan on how the book will end. And if you guys want, you should comment below some requests or Septiplier fanfics for me to read. Peace out!

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