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A/N Guess who's back bitches! It meh! Ya know. The writer that everyone loves, but is lazy as hell, so no update schedule. Well, here's my new chappie! And on with the show~

Jack's POV~

I woke up to an empty bed. I got up to look around for Mark, but I gasped out as pain rippled through my body. Mark really went crazy last night. I slowly eased myself out of bed, inch by inch. I walked... well, more like waddled through the house searching for Mark. After about 30 minutes of searching, I began to hear a faint sound. It was coming from Mark's recording room. The one place I didn't look for him. I went close to the door, the faint sound becoming louder. I leaned my head against the door and listened. There was a moment of silence, then hitched breathing and soft cries. "Mark? Love, are you okay?" I opened the door as my question was answered with silence. There Mark was, curled up in a ball under his desk. I came a little closer, my ears pressed back slightly. "Mark, come out. Please, love? I want to help you." He shook his head. I bent down next to him and reached my hand towards him. He scooted away a little. After a few minutes, I was able to finally pull him into a warm embrace. I stroked his hair as he clutches at my shirt. "Come on. It's okay. Just let it out." After a while, he eventually calmed down. "Marky, tell me what's wrong." He sniffed and look at me, guilt in his eyes. "J-jack, I dont... I don't like you anymore." Those few words shattered my heart shatter into a billion pieces. I jumped up and ran as tears stung my eyes. He doesn't like me anymore... I opened the door and ran out, hearing Mark call my name. I ran down the street faster than Mark managed to run out of my life. Forever. And there's nothing I can do to fix it.

*listens to the sound of the fangirls hearts breaking*
What can I say, writing this in a laundromat gave me the feels. And this creepy pedophile looking mother fucker keeps walking by my laundry, sniffing the air every time. Bitch, I know my vagina smells nice! Calm your shit! *flips her shite, slowly realizing you're there as she starts to burn a bridge*

Updates coming soon. Oh no, this isn't over. Not yet...

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