1.9K 88 87

Hey guys! This is, unfortunately, not an update. I have a few things that I need to say to all of you. First of all, thank you guys so much. We have reached 22K reads. When I started this book, I wasn't all too serious about it. 'It'll just be a short, fun starter book!' That's what I thought at first. Then more and more people came and started reading it, leaving comments about how they can't wait til I update again and leaving requests. I started to realize that I needed to stop messing around and actually give them some good content. Now look at us. 22K reads. I'm gonna stop blubbering and continue on. I also need to confess something to you all. For about the past 2 months, my depression and anxiety has gotten worse. I have been cutting myself and attempted to commit suicide 3 times. I've had panic attacks almost everyday. I cry myself to sleep, when I sleep at all. I've grown distant from my family and friends. For Thanksgiving, I locked myself in my room and didn't eat for 2 days. I'm not telling you any of this for attention or sympathy. I'm telling you this because I believe that you should know these things. I consider you guys family, even if I've never met most of you. I have gotten a little better. Please, if any of you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions, reach out for help. If you don't have anyone, I am always here. Comment below or message me. I want to help you. We can help each other through it. You are beautiful and anyone who tells you differently is lying. They're just jelous that they can't be as gorgeous as you. I love you guys. You are important. But most of all, you are loved.

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