I Could Not Repair All Of The Damage

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I love Nicole Dollanganger and her song 'Danny' so I'm gonna write a new chapter based on this song. Listen to the song while reading this for the full effect or not it's your choice whatevs :/

~Jack's POV~

It was another boring day and I wanted nothing more than to just sleep the day away. Mark was catching up on recording some videos and his laughter could be heard throughout the house. Hearing him happy again brought a smile to my face. 

I've been watching him closely to make sure nothing happened to him. It's been 2 weeks since the incident and Mark is almost back to normal. Sometimes he gets quiet and ventures into the dark place inside his head, where voices tell him lies and contort his thoughts into something vile. 

I turn my head as Mark comes into the room and joins me on the couch, still grinning and laughing from the game. "Hey baby. I'm done recording for a today, so we can just relax and cuddle. Sound good?" 

I nodded and pulled him close, wrapping him in a bone-crushing hug. "Are you okay? Don't try to lie to me either." He sighed and squeezed me tighter, burying his head into my neck. "It's been a tough day. Not the worst day, but I could be better. I think I just need to clear my head. I'm gonna go for a walk. Be back in an hour." He stood and I watched him go to the door. Mark stopped and turned to me saying, "I love you, Sean." And walked out the door.

"I love you, too.." 

~Mark's POV~

I strolled down the sidewalk, heading to the park. Birds sang softly in the trees and the wind softly rustled the leaves above my head. Thoughts rushed through my head, getting darker and darker. With each step I took, it was harder to keep going.

Eventually, I reached the park and sunk down against the trunk of a tree. Closing my eyes and leaning my head back against the tree, letting the voices consume me. My mind was my own prison. And the voices were the guards. Keeping me form escaping this horrible place.

I grew angrier and angrier with each vile thought. 'Stupid. Ugly. Fat. Worthless. Waste of space. Faggot. Loser. No one loves you. Disappear. Jack would be happier without you.' 

That last thought set me into a blur of rage. I leapt to my feet, racing out of the park and along the empty road. My ears were ringing as my lungs screamed for air. I collapsed onto the sidewalk, gasping for air. Resting my head against the ground, I head a group of people approach and I look up, being met with a group of teenagers wearing scowls. 

The leader approached my and pulled my hair, forcing me to stand. "Looks like the fag left without his boyfriend. What a shame. I would have loved to fuck him up, too."

He punched me in the stomach, causing me to fall to the ground again. Kicks and punches were coming from everywhere. Blood trickled from my nose and mouth. I love you, Jack.. 

Everything faded to black as I managed to catch a glimpse of Jack shoving them away. "M A R K!"

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