Cigaratte Smoke And Cats

59 1 7

Josh's POV
I pushed through the crowds of kids exiting the school and I run over to my car, noticing Jay already leaned against it.

"ready to finally go to my house for the first time?" Jay says as he rolls his eyes. We've been friends for over a year and I've never been to his house. So today was the first time. I unlock my car and slip inside, Jay doing the same.

He gives me his address and after driving for 10 minutes I pull into his driveway while we listened to some smooth jazz on the way. I get out the car and Jay runs to the door and pulls out his keys and unlocks the door, after ya know, fighting with his door for 3 minutes like the child he is. We enter the house and Jay throws his bag onto the ground.

"Madison and Zach left to grandmas for weekend, parents are on a business trip so it's only us and Tyler" Jay says. We walk upstairs and there was three doors. One says 'Zachs Room' another says 'Jays Room' then the last one says 'Ty's Room'

Jay opens Zachs door and steps inside. "Youngest brothers room" he says as he steps out of the room and closes the door. Then he pushes Tyler's door all the way open, since it was slightly open already.

The room was covered in posters. Band posters, The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Supernatural, honor roll papers. Some examples of what we're on his walls. Then on the TV played American Horror Story Freakshow, and on the ceiling hanged LED lights that were on a coil.

On the queen sized bed laid sleeping Tyler, who had on a simple black dress. His face was pale and he had noticeable bags under his eyes. And at the foot of his bed lays a small white cat.

"That's Tyler. It's good to see him sleeping, they have really bad insomnia and to get to sleep they typically has to take 10mg of melatonin. I haven't seen them sleeping in 3 days." He says with a sigh. Then I notice the medium sized fish tank on there night stand. I look at the fish and Jay playfully shoves me. "What? Fish are cool" I say with a dumb smile. "God, your just like my brother" jay says with a groan.

He laughs quietly and grabs me and we walk into his room and I sit on his bed. Jay comes and sits next to me a minute later, and he pulls out a cigarette and a lighter.

He puts the cigarette to his mouth and lights it, then takes a drag from the cigarette.

"Who's cigarettes are those? You don't typically smoke?" I ask, confused. He pulls the cigarette from his mouth, "There Tyler's, but I take some of theres sometimes since I buy them for em" he says as he puts the cigarette back to his mouth.

"Jay? Where's my lighter?" Says Tyler who now stands in the doorway with a unlighted cigarette in his hand.

"I have it. Come here" Jay says as he makes room on the bed. Tyler walks over and sits on the bed, and takes the lighter and lights the cigarette with it and inhales the cancerous smoke.

I sit there dumbly as the two brothers smoke, watching them. I've never smoked before, which is surprising to most people since I have the 'bad boy' reputation.

"Josh, you look uncomfortable" jay says with a small laugh.

"Well your both smoking and I don't do that stuff" I say as I get up and walk to the doorway and grab the cat sitting in the hallway.

"What are you doing with my cat" Tyler asks. "I'm petting the cat and taking it away from the cancerous smells" I say as I walk into Tyler's room. I sit on there bed and mess with the pretty white cat.

Soon the door opens and Tyler walks in and sits next to me on the bed.

"What's the cats name?" I ask as I turn towards the younger boy.

"Her name is Winter" he say with a small smile. The cat stands up and walks over to Tyler. They pet the cat then sits next to me on the bed, and lays down.

"Where's Jay?" I question. "He went to go bring Zach and Madison there stuff they need for the weekend at our grandmas." He says as he pulls out his phone.

He begins texting someone, but I don't know who.

"Who are you texting?" I ask as I try to look at the screen. He moves the phone so I can't see what he's texting and answers, "My friend Melanie"

"Isn't she the girl with half blond and half black hair?" I question. He nods and smiles as he looks at his phone.

"Hey, what's your kik?"

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