I Can Trust You, But I Cant Trust Myself

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Tyler slowly opened the door to the bathroom, then stepped inside. He heard panting coming from one of the stalls, and other unpleasant noises.

"Josh....?" Tyler calls out, walking closer to the stall. Then the stall burst opened, startling Tyler and making him jump. Josh appeared, and still had a 'problem' in his pants, which made Tyler slightly uneasy.

Josh looked at Tyler then walked over to him and pinned him to the wall. "Do you know how turned on you've got me?" Josh asks Tyler in a lustful voice, which turned the younger boy on under the older boy.

Josh started kissing Tyler's neck, surprising the young boy, making him gasp. Josh smirked at Tyler's reaction, and continued to suck on his neck, leaving hickeys on his collarbone.

The younger boy moaned as Josh kissed his neck, panting at all the skin contact. Once Josh thought there was enough, he pulled away from the boy, looked at his neck, then ran out of the bathroom.

Tyno: Josh where did you go

SpookyJim: I couldn't continue, I don't wanna take your virginity that I know you have.

Tyno: but I trust you,,

SpookyJim: I know you do, but I don't trust myself.

Tyno: Josh, are you okay?

SpookyJim: I don't know baby boy

SpookyJim: could you meet me at the school gates?

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