You and Me (Daniel × Bonnie)

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What if Hinny was real, out of the big screen? Daniel and Bonnie fall in love off set, let us follow their journey from the films into reality.

Bonnie's pov:
Tonight's the night! The red carpet premire of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! We were all huddled into a limo, Dan looked as cute as ever in his suite, he had been my crush since I was 11 after the second Harry Potter film.

Emma and Rupert know about it and so do the Phelps twins. The rest of the cast don't have a clue though, Dan seems to be taking notice of my reaction towrds him.

"Hey Bonnie!" There he is with his dazzling smile, "Are you excited about the premire?" Dan asks.

I looked at him wierdly, "Of course I am! Everyone is!." I told him, "Merlin! And I thought Tom was thick." I joked.

"He is Bon. I swear I saw the twins laughing at him 'cause he didn't notice there was someone messing with his make up." Responded Emma.

We all laughed, it was true even Tom found this funny. I noticed the way Dan was looking at me, his eyes would look into mine and he would smile, something felt warm and fuzzy inside me when he smiled.

We finally got to the theater, he opened the door for me, even offered to buy me a drink and share a box of popcorn! Emma and Rupert were smiling, while the twins were whispering to themselves, we took our seats and settled in waiting for the movie, the lights began to dim as the screen lit up.

"This is it." I heard Dan whisper as the soundtrack played.

The scene showed 15 year old Harry was being bullied by his Fat cousin, Dudley Dursly, then the dementors came and attacked them. Dudley looked like a zombbie as Harry fended off the dementors, this by far is my least favorite sceen from the movie.

{a/n: I am really sorry guys but I'll skip to the end... gotta keep this one shot short and sweet 😉😂. I hopw you understand.}

The movie was AMAZING! It always is, we all went in the limoes and headed to the studio for the celebararion. When we got there, there was food and drinks everywhere! Soon everone was eatting, drinking and talking about the movie.

After a few hours people started to head home, I was supposed to have a sleepover we Emma and the girls but we decided to move the date, I must have forgotten because I saw a duffle bag in my dressing room the night.

"You want me to drop you home, Bonnie?" Dan asked, "Emma already went home while the others a drunk."

I smiled at his offer, "Sure Dan." I replied, "Thank you." I added staring at his face.

He smiled at me in reply, he lead me out of the studio leading us to his car. He opened the passanger's seat, and closed it when I settled in. The drive was filled with silence, the peaceful kind he would steal glances at my direction, I don't what came over me... but I found myself laying a hand on his arm I flet his muscles tense under my hand.

When we got to my house Dan walked to my front porch, his eyes had some hidden emotion in them.

"Well I guess this is good bye." I told him quietly, "For now." I add my voice bearly above a whisper, as I unlocked the door of my flat.

He nods as I face him, "It is..." His head hung down making me loose contact with his blue eyes, "Your beautiful." He mumbled

I felt a warm blush on my face. Did he just call me beautiful? I took his face in my hand and made him face me, he was smiling as my heart skiped a beat. I wanted to kiss him so badly, our lips were only inches apart!

"Well see...." His lips were on mine cutting me off, as if by instinct my arms went around his neck while he gentlely puched my back to the door.

His lips were sweet like honey, "Bonnie..." He whispered through the kiss as my hand threaded theough his hair, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked pulling away.

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