Pretty Young Thing (Jily)

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This is for all the Jily shippers out there! Lets see how this goes...

Lily Evans:
There was once a boy by the name of James Potter, quiet the charmer, and a full headed prankster as well. He was once named 'The Hogwarts Playboy' or 'Mr Heartbreaker' but not anymore. Everything changed... and how might that come to be? You ask.

Yeah well, he changed for this certain gril with red hair and sparkling green eyes, she has intellegece beyond compare. Her name is Lily Marie Evens, she was his one and only he loved her so much. Seventh year was where their friendship began and it only only grew from there.

Lily had just came back from her ever so unpleasnt conversation with her childhood firend Severus Tobios Snape, where he again said the vail 'M' word to her. More like spat it at her face, causing her to run and cry at his act of betrial towrds her. She looked for James to comfort her, his warm touch to hold and assure her that she still had someone to look out for her.

"Lily?" Asked the one voice the always seemed to sooth her thoughts and emotions, "What happened, love?" Asked James again, as he reappeared from the bathroom topless with dripping hair.

The sight made Lily's inner teenage girl squeel in utter delight as she eyed his defined chest, quidditch had done him well and and added bonus was the fact that he was the team's captain!

She looked into his concerned hazel eyes, "Snape happened." In a mere second she was smothered into his arms, "A rather pleasent conversation we had." She said burying her head on his bare chest.

"What did he say to you?" He reponded kiss the top of her head.

Her gaze averted his own her voice barely a whisper, "We had a fight. He tried to kiss me, but I shot him down in the groin." She noticed that Jamse's arms tightened around her waists, "Then he called me that vile word again." The tears rolled down her cheaks.

He wept the tears away, leading her to the nearest couch and setting her down on his lap while he sat on the soft scarlet coushions. He cradled her tightly, as she just sat there letting out all of her pent up emotions, she notoced his grip tighten- in a protective way- as her cries escalated.

"Lily, you of all people should know that what ever he says is not bloody true, hell even Peter wouldn't agree with that man. Honestly I think he is the... sorry for this.. Mudblood." James said haulting for a moment before saying the forbidden word.

Then he grabbed her chin and brought her eyes to meet his own, "And I know that there is more to you then your muggle born self, you have the intellegence that no one, not even Ramus can match and your compassionate heart." His eyes showing complete devotion and warmth as he continued.

"Lily for years you were the only girl I have waited for, the only one who had taken my heart and my soul. You are my world, an angel sent from the heavens above! I love you for who you are, Lily Marie Evens."

His words soothed her heart, that aching feeling left by her ex-best friends was replaced by a feeling of love and absolute compassion she felt for the man who now sat devoting all his time to her. Her heart skiped numerous beats as she started into his desire filled eyes.

"You always know what to say." She mumble bringing her hand up to play with his hair, "Thank you, James."

He need not ask what she was thanking him for, "Anything for you lilypad." He said with a smile as he leaned in to kiss her.

This kiss was filled with love, and unhindered comassion the they both felt towrds the other, and as they moved in synchrony they felt a feeling of pure and utter most bliss. For Lily he is the one, James is her other half he, is her perfect match.

Their hearts felt contented, their souls bonded with an unmistakable desire to be one and their thoughs molded into one. This is what true love is, unconditional and pure, though it takes time to find the right person it will worth the wait.

James Potter and Lily Evans are one.

"I will always be there for you, Lily." Whipered James his lips brushing against mine.

She look into his eyes, "Always?" SHe asked as he caressed her cheek.

"Always." He vowed as they continued to kiss.

The world fading from their eyes, all they saw was the other. This kiss meant more to Lily as it did for James, if not more.

Youth is life's greatest adventure, it never fails to teach us something new.

Another update gor you wonderful people! A Jily one shot for those of you how love this couple, read this. Tell me what you think.

There are more one shots coming up. Stay tuned!


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