Mistletoe (Donnie)

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An early Chrismas special! Inspired by Justin Biber's song Mistletoe, Donnie love fest!!! This couple really gives me the feels at times 😃.

Bonnie's pov:
It was the day before Christmas, another year passes as another year comes. 2015 was a hive of activity all through out, Daniel and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary two months ago!

I was at home today preparing for our Christmas eve party, the mansion was decorated with colored lights everywhere, Dan put up the tree an hour our ago and we had beak goods cooking in the kitchen!

I now stood on the third floor balconey, which over looked an illustious view of the mountainous area we lived in. Dan had decide to pick the land his parents owned and have a house built on the rural area of New Hempshire.

"Are you alright, Bon?" Asked Daniel's concerned voice

I smiled at his tone, "I'm fine Dan." I replied as he held me from behind.

"That is good to know." He responded as he relaxed to my reply.

"You ready for tonight?" I asked turned in his arms, "Excited to see our friends again."

He nods his head, "Of course!" He exclaimed with a grin, "I've been meaning to speek to Tom and Rupert about something."

"You sneaky sods, I hope its not some plot to go somewhere." I teased laughing.

"Why Ms Wright! What would make you say such things? You cheeky woman." He teased back laughing with her.

Let us just put it this way... this evening is going to be amazing.

{⏩: Almost midnight}

It was 15 minutes before Christmas, everyone was dancing and drinking, most just sat around and talked, Dan was up stage singing with his guitar and tosouled hair- due to us making out jan hour ago- he looked hot. After his proformance a slow song came on.

"May I have a dance Miss?" Dan asked a heart stopping smile on his lips

"Yes you may good sir." I said my heart beating faster.

He lead my outside to the Gazeebo over looking the garden, he took me into his arms while mine were wrapped around his neck. We swayed to the beat of 'Mistletoe', I smiled as he twirled me around.

He chuckled, "Those twins." He said with a certain brightness in his eyes, "Even in Christmas."

I just looked at his cuiously, "What have they done now?" I said rolling my eyes, "They couldn't have done any damage..." But than again this are the twins we are talking about.

"No.. surprisingly they hadn't done any harm in this house just yet." He said with a merriment in his eyes, "Look above you." He added.

What I saw next made me laugh, well.. more like giggle at their silly idea, above hung a mistletoe. Only the twins, I thought with a feeling fondness for their humorous ways.

I couldn't stop the smile that came to my face when the song played again, Dan was smiling too. His eyes brightened almost holding a shade of electric blue, he plalced his lips on mine in a sweet kiss, we both turned into a passionate one.

Then we pulled way and stared into each others eyes, he pulled my closer allowing me taje in his scent. I love the way he smelled, that string masculine smell, mashed with cinnamon.

"This is indeed the most wonderful time of the year." He whispered bishing his lips to mine, "It ges even better when I see you under a mistletoe, you look so beautiful."

I looked down, blushing with a small smile. We've found love under this mistletoe...

An early holiday special for you all, what I imagine if Donnie was real ☺. Tell me what you think! This cute couple why aren't they real.


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