Lightning (Jiper)

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All you half bloods/Dmigods out there here is another Percy Jackson one shot for you. A Jiper romance filled one shot ☺.

Piper's pov:
Valentines day 2016 and still not a word from Jason, who had been mia for a month now, we don't know where he went. All we can do is hope that he hasn't lost his memories and been teleported to another place.

Oh.. I don't think we've met, I am Piper Mclean one of the seven who helped in the defeat of Gaea. It had been three years since the giant war and well... everything is going great! Both the Greek and Roman camps have forged a peace treaty, and have been bonding with each other, Frank is the newly elected leader of new Rome! Leaving both Jason and Percy with no more responsibilities to handle, and Hazel is the new centorion this made the removal of Octavian possible, that guy has been forbiden to take on any and all ranks in Camp Jupiter.

And as for us here in Camp Half Blood... well we are doing amazing, what with new campers every year, new people to train, new quests due to Rachel Dare the Orecal, there is never a dull moment.

"Hey there Piper." Greeted Jason... wait hold on... JASON!!

I turned back and ran up to hug him, "JASON!!" I exclaimed, "Where were you this past month!?" I pulled away hitting his shoulder, HARD.

"Ow! Woman, I'd like to keep this body part intact thank you very much." He replied placing his lips on mine, "I was stuck in Nashvill collecting twins, I got sidetracked by a Minotur and well I needed to heal up a bit before traveling again." He explained.

"Thank Zeus you are alright! I was so worried about you! We all were, Percy had said you were fine hearing from the  temptest who came here with your rustpack." I told him.

He smiled down at me, "Well Percy had it right, and basing from all the stories he has told everyone, I'd say he'd been through worst things." That was true.

Percy Jackson was one of my closest friends from this camp, he was known to be one of the bravest heroes in damigod history, a Son of Posiedon! Everyone here looked up to him, his closest friends included, you can count the Aris cabin too even though they hate to admit it.

He was like brother to all of us, he looked out for everyone, that made his fatal flaw loyalty. His had a long and trying life, just like every other demigod before him, the Gods have all played around with us like we were pawns in this over sized chess board we called our world.

"That is true..." I agreed with a laugh.

I looked into his eyes and felt the need to kiss him, a kiss that that comprised all the passion, want and love I felt of this boy. So I let action take its course I plaved my lips on his, I melted into his arms as he wapped them around, his eyes stuck with desire as fast as lightning, his lips curled on mine in a soft smile

"I love you Piper." He whispers through the kiss which turned into a slow pace

I had to smile, "I love you too, Jason." I whisper back caressing his jaw.

He spun me around moments later, causing the kiss to break and my laughter to erupt in girlish giggles, quite so I love this side of him. As it was, his sense of responsibility would come out, but he was carefree as yhe days went on, but he will always have the air of leadership around him even if it will just be a noch.

Lightning does strike us, wether it be the acutal bolt of electricity or the form of human being who posessed the power to creat stroms and thunder. It struck me yhe first time I met Him, the first time a laied eyes on... Jason Grace

I ran out of other things to write for this one shot so... here's what I've got. A Jiper one shot for all of you HoO lovers out there.


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