Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Taylor's POV

"Taylor," Harry whispers softly as I feel him shake me awake.

"Hey," I mumble as I sit up. I can feel pieces of my hair sticking to my face and the strap of my tank top hanging off my shoulder. 

"Andrea mentioned that you wanted to talk," Harry tells me.

"Well, I did. I mentioned that I was ready to discuss everything that happened, but I'm not so sure if I'm as ready as I made it seem," I reply.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm here. But I'm not going to force anything," He responds.

"Actually...I have an idea. This might be the best way to tell you the whole story," I announce as I lean over to my nightstand. I open the top drawer and pull out a stack letters and a journal. 

"What's this?' He asks as I hand them to him.

"My diary and the letters I wrote to Jake. I never ended up giving them to him, but they are probably the best way for you to get all the information that you need," I explain and he bites his lips as he rifles through the pile.

"Is this what you really want? I don't want to force any information out of you," He clarifies.

"Yeah. It's been a long time and I feel like I need to face this," I assure him.

"I'll look them over. By the way, I heard today was your birthday," He says and I nod.

"It is and my mother says that she is ordering a cake," I respond after yawning.

"She told me about your birthday when she left this morning and I decided to get you this," He replies and extends his arm. In his hand is a brown paper bag. 

I open it and find a small white box. I take the lid off to reveal a necklace.It had a music note charm on the end. I smile because I remember when I told Harry about the music box.

"Thank you...But I hope you know you didn't have to get me anything," I tell him.

"I wanted to because I know that I messed up and you deserved an apology. I would still like to be friends" He explains.

"I accept, I still want to be friends with you. I missed you," I say looking up at him.

"I guess I'll get started on reading this...Do you want me to finish all of it before I say anything?" he asks, changing the subject.

"You can take as long as you need," I reply and my eyes fall back to the necklace laced between my fingers.

He stands up from where he is sitting on my bed and excuses himself from my bedroom. I just hoped that I wasn't making a mistake by trusting Harry with my most intimate thoughts and I hoped that it would work in the path to moving on. I decide that I should keep myself busy by heading downstairs to see my mother. I wanted to request to spend my birthday at the lounge. I needed to clear my head.

"Mom!" I yell across the house and when I do not receive an answer I decide to search for her in the kitchen

"Taylor?" She calls as I enter the room. 

"Who's this?" I ask looking at the man standing in my kitchen. 

"This is Harry's father, Des," My mom informs me.

"Well it's nice to meet you," I greet as I run my fingers through my hair.

"My pleasure...Where is Harry?" He asks. 

"I don't know, I can find him and let him know that you would like to see him," I offer. 

"No that's quite alright. Just have Anne come here," He requests and I nod. 

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