Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Harry's POV

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks.

"A shot of anything," I reply and she walks away.

This bar was a college bar run by college students and they never carded. I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration until someone decides to take the seat right next to me. I turn to face them and see that it is a male. He couldn't be more than twenty years old, most likely another college student.

"You look pretty down, what's the matter?" He asks me and I look down at the counter in front me.

Before I can answer the bartender walks back over to us. She sets down my drink and proceeds to speak to the man sitting next to me.

"For you?" she asks.

"I'll have what he's having," He points to the shot sitting in front of me.

"Back in a jiff," she replies with a smile and I slam my shot back.

"So what's bothering you?" He asks. His hazel eyes looked tired and filled with sadness.

"It's this girl. I really care about her and I want her. I just don't think she's ready. When will she see I want to help her and not hurt her?" I ask. 

"I know how you feel. I had a girl like that..She was trying her hardest to see past me. To see past all the things I've done. I lost her and I doubt I'll find another like her," He says.

"Man that's rough. Another round?" I say to the bartender.

"I'll just keep them coming," She replies.

"Until I can't see straight," I retort and she walks away.

"She broke your heart didn't she?'" He questions.

"I guess you could say that. On top of this situation I have to deal with my asshole of a father and my mother buying into his bullshit," I mutter.

"Don't worry, you seem to have it better than I do...I literally just got kicked out of my apartment by my roommate," He replies then takes a shot.

"That's the worst...I guess I can say living with the girl who doesn't want you doesn't sound too bad in comparison. At least I have somewhere to stay and I'm sure I'll get over it. She is my friend after all," I explain and the bartender drops off two more.

"I guess you could say we aren't having the easiest time. Sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is JC," He says. He then offers his hand for a handshake. 

"I'm Harry," I inform him and take his offer.

"Well Harry, I think we're going to get along just fine," He replies with a smirk.

*Taylor's POV*

"I'll let you be with your friend. Come find me if you need anything," My mom tells me.

"Okay thanks mom," I mumble back as I walk over to Cher who is standing by the snack table.

"Hey heart eyes, where is your little boyfriend?" she asks and I roll my eyes.

"We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. Quite frankly I was hoping we could avoid talking about him," I snap.

"Whatever you want...well how's break going?" she questions.

"Not too bad, just trying to avoid Harry," I admit.

"I thought we weren't talking about him?" She asks and raises her eyebrow with this question.

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