Chapter 22

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 Chapter 22:

Taylor's POV

I wake up this morning to find Harry gone. I pull myself to sitting potion and I decide to look around for my phone when I stumble across a piece of paper next to the letter I wrote to Harry. I take it off the night stand and unfold it. Once I begin to read it I realize that it was a response from Harry.


I want you to believe me when I say that the only thing that matters to me is you



I couldn't stop thinking about his response. I remember telling him to respond to my letter when I was drunk but I didn't think he would do it. 

After school gets out I decided I wanted to head up to the lounge so that I could perform the duet that I wrote with Perrie. I needed to clear my head and think about what Harry had said. As soon as I get ready I walk downstairs and before heading out I notice Harry alone in the kitchen. 

"Good morning,"I was surprised when Harry broke the awkward silence. I assume I wasn't the only one who felt tension in the room.

"Hey," I acknowledge him as I search the fridge.

"I can give you a ride to school today," He offers.

"Actually I have to go straight to my dad's after school," I respond.

"Okay," I could tell Harry didn't seem so sure of how to respond.

I decided that it was time to head to school after our awkward encounter, especially after I didn't even bother to mention Harry's response to my letter. I already wanted this day over with and it hadn't even started.

The rest of my day is pretty uneventful until I reach eight period. I never really enjoyed history as the record shows but it was definitely going to be worse this semester if I had to keep watching Michelle and Harry flirt all period. It was so pathetic to watch considering she was willing to laugh at anything he had to say.

"As everyone is aware our trip is Monday and that means I have to lay out some guidelines," Ms. Grant drones on and I can hear Michelle and Harry giggling like school girls.

"There are three specific rules that you must follow. First off, girls and boys must remain in separate rooms for the duration of the trip.. Second, there is a strict curfew of eleven sharp. Finally, I would not like to receive calls about noise or disruptive behavior," she explains.

I wasn't even sure I wanted to go anymore based on the terms that Harry and I were on. Everything was still uncomfortable and he seemed to be disproving everything he had been saying to me for the past few days. He told me not to worry about Michelle but I couldn't help myself. They were even together at lunch. I tried not to bring up to Cher but she could see it was really bothering me. If he truly loved me he would prove it by putting in effort to spend lunch with me or flirt with me through history class.

"I'll see everyone bright and early at the airport on Monday morning," Ms. Grant gushes and the class fills itself with excited chatter.

As soon as class ends my phone begins to ring. 

"Hello?" I answer.

"You're performing tonight right?" Ed asks in urgency.

"Yeah why?" I ask as I balance my textbooks.

"Great to hear! I'm having some interests come in and check the place out. I wanted them to see the best," Ed informs me.

"Alright, let me see what I can put together," I tell him.

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