Chapter 39

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Chapter 39:

Songs for this chapter are Same Mistakes by One Direction, Let Her Go by Passanger and Trecherous by Taylor Swift

Taylor's POV

Tomorrow was the big day. The day that the talent manager was going to come through and see what we were really made of. I wasn't going to lie, the nerves were getting to me. All week I had been practicing on the guitar but I couldn't help but doubt myself. Harry was there to encouragement and tell me that I was going to do great but the thing was, no one had witnessed my preformance and which song I wanted to use. One that I had literally spent hours altering, changing, and rewriting. I had given Ed a small sample that night in the lounge but other than that no one had truely exprienced all the anger that had built up inside of me. I had cried a few times practicing but I truly knew that feelings and real life expirience are what makes music so powerful. It also makes the best music.

Other than that school had been going well. Harry and I were acting like a couple infront of everyone and they just looked at us like we were crazy. Especially people like Niall, Michelle, Cher, and the other three boys of One Direction, all because they knew the truth.

"Taylor, can I ask you something?' Cher asks when we are walking to class with just eachother.

"Sure," I reply, my thoughts still in the preformance.

"what will happen to you and Harry after he moves out?' She mentions.

"I dunno, he's trying his best to stay with me but I told him he has to go back to his family. Anne is busy packing up her room already," I explain.

"Are you going to be with Harry? as in a relationship? I mean you guys keep changing your minds weekly. It's kinda driving everyone insane,' She admits.

"I honestly don't know. I don't know what kind of fight we're going to get in. I told him that we're pretty much a broken record," I sigh.

"I just want you to make sure he's what you want. I can't have a repeat of last time. Especially when it involves you losing your curls in an attempt to look punk rock," She teases.

"I'll be fine. I mean Harry and I have fought in the past. Besides when he moves it we could improve our relationship. Living with someone isn't easy. Even if it's someone you love," I reason.

"As long as you don't die your hair again," she warns in a joking manner.

"It was a phase!" I defend.

"A phase alright.." She jokes again.

We then part ways as I wait for Harry at his class. We were going to walk to last hour together like we had all week. As soon as he sees me he takes my hand and we begin to stroll down the hall with an occasional whisper.

"So I've made my decision," he says calmly.

"Are you moving in with your mom?' I question with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I have to. I need to make sure she's ok. I can't have her getting hurt," He seems distant now.

"So are you going to attend this school?' I ask.

"I dunno, that's the only thing I haven't figured out," He looks down at our hands.

"Well I hope you don't have to leave me," I coo.

"Don't worry I'll try my best because I can't live without you," He says dramatically.

"Oh yes,' I giggle.

"But I seriously love it here. There are so many perks. Decent education, preforming arts program, friends, and of course you,' A smile spreads across his face as he lists everything.

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