Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

Ed's POV

"Mr. Sheeran you realize that this is a public event and anyone is able to attend?" the community center manager nags.

"yeah it's not a big deal, the bigger the crowd the better. Mr. Cowell needs to see that people are interested," I explain to her.

"Just making sure. I mean we will have security but other than that if people aren't causing trouble you can't kick them out," she reminds me.

"I know. I was just hoping Jake would stay away," I roll my eyes as she follows after me.

"All I'm doing is reminding you that I'm not in control of people who come in and out of here," She tells me like I haven't heard her the first nine hundred times.

"Alright alright, but i have some things to take care of now," I grunt and she walks away with a frown on her face.

I watch as many of the people I hire set up. Taylor told me she'd be here early to have a chat with me. she and I had come to some agreements on when she would be returning to the lounge. Other than that everything seemed to be coming together. The other acts were backstage getting ready and practicing. But once again Taylor was fashionably late.

"Umm sir," I hear a small squeak from behind me.

"Yeah what is it?' I ask her.

"I'm here to do makeup," She says with a smile.

"Over behind the stage ms.." I say and she finishes the sentence.

"You can call me Heather,' She beams.

"Alright well um Ms. Heather. Just walk up those stairs to the stage and to the left. You should see lines of dressing room. Just enter the first one,' I inform her.

"Thanks sir," She replies and then trots off.

I turn back and order a few people around and fix things that seem out of order. Just as I am about to walk backstage again I bump into Taylor.

"Hey goldilocks what took you so long?" I ask.

'I was just running behind on getting my costume together," She replies.

'well it's time to prepare. Show starts soon. I can see people arrving in about ten minutes,' I explain.

"Ok..when do I go on?' She asks with hesitation.

"You're on first," I reply and she nods.

*Taylor's POV*

I walk backstage in almost a panic. I have to put on my costume and tune my guitar. I ruffle my hair and then make my way into one of the empy dressing rooms. I place all my things on the counter and then quickly leave to find Harry. He told me to meet him in his and the boys dressing room when I had arrived. I search down the hall and see Michelle and Perrie getting their makeup done. I keep walking and enter the room on the end.

"Harry," I call.

"Oh hey Taylor! Are you excited?" He questions as he comes over and embraces me quickly.

"yeah, I'm actually really nervous," I mention and he rubs circles in my back.

"Go get ready, you'll be fine,' He chuckles.

"see you in a few," I respond and walk away.

After I'm back in my room I put on my sparkling silver dress and matching shoes. I stand infront of the mirror and straighten my golden locks. I hum to myself and mentally prepare what is to come. After I finish with the straightener I coat my lips with a pale rose lipstick and finish off the look with some mascara and winged out eyeliner.

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