Drag Me to the Grave (1/4)

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A/N: Alright, so this is the only non-MIW story I'm going to let see the light of day again. The only reason why I'm putting this in here is because this story was what gave birth to Silence Remains. Yep. Silence Remains was a spin off of a straight BVB/FIR fic. My, how far I have come... PS I wrote this one the beginning of 2015. Also, there were a few subtle callbacks to this story in Silence that might actually make sense now.


Young rocker Kay has her life take a turn for the worst when Ashley helps her realize her true worth. In the efforts to protect his precious gem, he ends up only hurting her, to a point she may run to another man's arms.

"You always want the one that you can't have, 'cause love isn't always fair."

Chapter 1: Warped

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Chapter 1: Warped

Kay's POV

I impatiently sat on the bus couch, staring at the side of another bus from the window. Today is the first day on Warped Tour, and as pumped as I am, I'm scared. My band, Gotham, we don't do big crowds. Once we opened at the county fair, but that's a small town! It's different from Warped.

Maybe the only good reason we're playing the Kevin Says Stage is, it doesn't get much traffic. Don't get me wrong, I want our band to become a big fish in the very large pond that is the music industry. However, it's very trying at times.

On top of it, we're the youngest act, and we've got a hell of a secret to keep under wraps; we're vampires. No, I'm not joking. Each of us have the fangs to prove it. Before you ask, no we're not allergic to the sun. That's just a myth.

Unfortunately, blood sucking is the farthest thing from a lie. You have to kill your victims too, or else they'll tell. I don't want to become a lab experiment as much as the next guy, but I feel horrible ruining lives like that.

I heard footsteps coming down the walkway, making my head turn. Casper flopped down next to me, smiling ear to ear. "Whassup, Buttercup?"

"Nothing but the sky." I joked as I relaxed back it my seat.

Casper was our drummer, and the youngest guy in the band. He's also the sweetest, and gentlest. He definitely takes after his namesake. We tease him about it, constantly referring to him as Casper The Friendly Ghost. Well, Friendly Vampire I suppose.

You could really see the youth on his soft, pale skin. He had rich green hair, and cloudy blue eyes. Most the time they were blue, anyways.

"You ready to rock?" He asked while he impatiently bounced his foot.

I rolled my eyes with a snit. "We don't go on for another hour."

"So I'm a little over excited?" He laughed. "Aren't you?"

"Of course she is." Valentine interrupted while he went into the cupboard for something. "But this is Kay we're talking about, she gets nervous about everything!"

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