Silence Remains V2 (1/4)

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Volume 2 Introduction

A chase throughout the woods had lead to this; one villain looking down the blade of another's. The young vampire showed no fear in his eyes as he was pinned to the ground. He stared up at a cloaked man whom had dragged him from his home and chased him all the way out here.

"What is it you're after, exactly?" The beaten scoffed. At this point, he had no other choice but to try to talk his way out of this.

"It's simple, really." An old english accent replied from under the vail of a hood, "Tell me where Beau is and you keep your life."

"Beau's dead. He died way before I was even born. Sorry you're late to the party." He snit.

The older huffed steam, "Young man, I know you have the ability to locate all dark creatures on this wretched planet. Now, I'll give you one last chance. Where is he?"

The vampire started down the blade at his throat. He followed it up to the man looming over him. With his father's spite, he spat, "I'll never tell you."

Hesitantly, the other steadied the sword and slowly raised it, "So be it."

X . X . X . X

Watching bodies lined the stone walls of the circular room. That of both family and friends looked upon an occurrence so rare they thought they'd never see it in their lifetime. Especially, seeing this scene played out with the king of stubbornness. Out of all the Coven, even having the oldest son, they never thought Devin would be the first!

As always, a long stone table was the only structure notable in the room. It stood old but proud in the center of the sanctuary. Many times, it had been the bed to many disasters. Today was not one of those. In fact, it was something to be celebrated. Along one side of the stone bed, The Coven stood. Devin was placed in the center, with the others evenly placed on each side of him. On the table's other side, Steel stood paralleled to his father. His mother was to one side of him, and Kuza on the other.

It was obvious the young gun was nervous, but Kuza began the ceremony regardless, "Devin, is there anything you'd like to do before you give up your power?" He jokingly asked.

Devin smirked, thinking it over, "I think I've done enough damage already. I'm good."

The crowd around them laughed. Even The Coven cracked smiles, though this was supposed to be taken seriously.

"Welcome both family, friends, and loyal followers to The Head Coven of Vampires. We are gathered here today to witness the rare passing of the torch. First, is there anyone whom objects?" Kuza paused, then snit as he continued, "Thought so. Before a flame can be passed on, it must be surrendered by it's keeper."

With a deep breath, Devin spoke softly but strongly, "I, Devin Sola, born human May of 1838 and born vampire May of 1863, hereby relinquish my position in the Head Coven of Vampires. I will continue to uphold the values and reputation of The Coven, and if in a time of crisis I am needed, I will gladly return. I surrender my space of protection in the caverns, as well as my reign of power. Upon my departure, with permission of The Coven, I leave my position in the well and capable hands of my first born son, Steel Sola, if he were to accept it."

"To the remaining members of The Coven, in order by rank; Christopher Cerulli, Richard Olson, Angelo Parente, Ryan Sitkowski, and Joshua Balz, will you allow Devin's departure, and do you accept his choice of replacement?" Kuza asked as he held a ceremonial book in his hand. One by one, they each spoke in acceptance so he could continue, "Steel, are you willing to accept the position as member of The Head Coven of Vampires?"

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